Saturday, April 21, 2018


hello america!!! at some point, even the 'collectively stupid' will have to come to terms with reality & accept it for what it is...

while main-stream media & the dems continue to push their 'russia/trump collusion' crap at us, the reality of that ever coming to fruition grows weaker every day---seemingly, not one shred of evidence of it has been produced---in fact, several prominent dems have publicly stated they have not seen any evidence & yet, they persist in pursuing those false allegations because as long as they can confuse you to the real issues that we face today, they will distract you from the achievements of donald trump & the repubs---& hey, that's their main objective...

good people, if the waters are muddy, common sense says not to jump in & go swimming & the dems love muddying the waters with lies; distractions; deceit; race-baiting; name-calling; obstructionism; finger-pointing; &, selective forgetfulness---when they are successful in applying those tactics, they are successful at the ballot box...

however, in this age of 'instant technology', there's no excuse for you not to avail yourself of the facts---look, if you get your news from the liberal left, you should take the time to see what the conservative right is purporting & make an informed decision as to what is fact verses fiction---unfortunately, far too many of you don't have the time or won't take the time to look at both sides of an issue & that's a big problem for our country as a whole...

america, let's just push all the rhetoric to the back for now & focus on what we all want---more money in our pockets; more jobs; a safer community/state/country; an honest gov't; & hey, those 4 issues alone should be at the top of all of our 'WANT LISTS' regardless of sex, color, religion, location, weight or height, etc---in TRUTH, they benefit all of us but, when you're consistently lied to about who is helping or hurting us, you believe them...

look, it's extremely easy to lie to people when the main-stream media is overly supportive of those lies---they not only aggressively report the lies to us as truth but, they also provide a non-stop, 24/7 platform for the liars (of which there are far too many)---they disguise their bias by calling it journalism & investigative reporting & fall on 'free speech' to keep from being shut down---hell, they don't even bother to camouflage their disdain & hatred of 'all things conservative' &, they're just as obvious when talking to one of their own on camara---unfortunately, the dems depend on the msm & vice-verses---they are totally supportive of one another, regardless of the lie...

good people, we all hurt when the msm won't do the simple job of honest reporting---far too many of you get your news from them & their views slant how you think & react---it's time we 'forced' them to actually perform their jobs &, if they can't do that, they should be shut down...

america, when you vote, you should vote for who is actually helping our country progress & not on what the msm says...

as for me, if anybody running for office is supportive of donald trump, they have my vote because i love what he has done/tried to do/&, has promised to do...