Saturday, September 7, 2019


hello america!!! even as the most recent texas mass shooting was unfolding, dem politicians were continuing their quest for stricter gun-control & yet, you didn't hear shit from them about the (chicago) 7 people killed over the same weekend nor did you hear about the 34 wounded there---foxnews did a little story about it & that's as far as it got...

good people, we really need to hold all of our elected officials accountable as well as all of the media---&, i say that because 7 killed/22 wounded (texas) & sensationalized vs 7 killed/34 wounded (chicago) & not sensationalized shows us all that 'all lives don't matter'---&, hell yeah, all of you should have a big freaking problem with that...

look, ignore what you're told---the dems want you to believe that 'stricter-gun-control' is the answer to ever-lasting peace on our streets, however, we all know that's not the solution but, it is a damn good talking point & they consistently drive that false message home---what they refuse to acknowledge is that the vast majority of our 'mass-shooters' slipped through the cracks that they allowed to be there---in the days following a mass shooting we learn that the individual (s) responsible should never have been allowed to own/possess a firearm in the first place & yet, with all the laws on the books, were able to 'honestly' buy one &/or several---while you're digesting that, name me one mass killer that 1...wasn't on the police radar---2...didn't had previous mental issues---3...had expressed their thoughts of killing lots of people---4...failed back-ground checks---5...had people express their negative concern/suspicions of them---6...police from the local level up to the fbi ignored everything about them---7...the authorities failed to act---was a convicted felon............

our history is ripe with people that should have never been allowed to commit some of the atrocities that they committed & yet, 'stricter-gun-control' is what the dems cram down our throats---hell, good people, if we diligently connect all the dots, the world trade towers would still be standing & hey, for all of you skeptics, that's a fact---we had several of those demented people on our radar for various reasons & then, we lost track of them as they trained here in our country to fly planes---yeah, just ask for more gun-control---&, we have the boston bombers who were also on our radar & yet, were somehow able to carry out those bombings---yep, please, we need stronger gun control...

america, i'm here to tell you that if somebody wants to take the life of another, there is no law we could ever put on the books to prevent it---that (unfortunately) is a fact of life that we need to come to grips with & hey, we need to do that soon..

the dems yelling for stricter gun-control is just a ploy to get your vote---if they were serious, they'd lead by example in their own communities (which they don't) & the proof of that is in the extremely  high numbers of homicides that occur within them each & every year---i posted this on aug 21st (CLICK HERE) &, since tthen add:::
1...add 31 more homicides to chicago
2...add 21 more homicides to baltimore
3...add 46 more homicides to la county
4...add  7 more homicides to jacksonville
5...add  8 more homicides to milwaukee
6...add  9 more homicides to st louis

good people, that's a total of 122 more homicides in a 17 day window or, 1,255 homicides for the year & hey, please, keep this in mind, the figures are only from the 6 communities i've been following...

the dems don't/won't address the community killings nor do they have any plans to try & stop them, however, they'll talk to you about gun-control all day after mass-shootings...

on the flip side of all of this is the trumpster:::
1...trying to rid our communities of the drugs
2...trying to rid our communities of the gangs
3...trying to provide even more jobs
4...trying to provide better education & more choices
5...trying to allow us to retain even more of our earned money
6...trying to allow us to regain our dignity after incarceration
7...trying to rebuild the va healthcare system to better serve our needs

& yet, he's met with opposition by every dem at every turn---& they pander for your vote with promises they never intend to address---all they want is the control so that they have you grovelling at their feet for the few tidbits they will throw your way..