Thursday, August 8, 2013


hello america!!! guess what??? if you are 18 or older, 'you will need to present a valid, government-issued id' to visit the whitehouse. you're supposed to set your tour up through your own member of congress in advance &, the info you submit to them 'must exactly match the info on your gov't issued id'...

well, suppose i'm black or latino & can't afford an id, can i still tour the whitehouse??? after all, obtaining a valid, gov't issued id may create an undo hardship on me both distance-wise & financially so, can i get a break?

no, i'm not crazy. i was checking to see the status of whitehouse visits & this is what i found & honestly, i wasn't even looking for it...   &, this site is up-to-date...

if the 'valid id card' issue was not so serious, i'd be laughing my butt off. obama & company have said that forcing people of color to get a valid gov't issued id card would create an undo hardship on them & yet, they expect them to overcome that hardship to vote; attend congressional black caucus meetings; become productive members of our society; etc..............

the above should prove to you just how hypocritical obama & company are........


hello america!!! everybody is telling you we're broke & yet, obama doesn't act like we are: as seen here...

while i'm in favor of this country helping the smaller ones, i am not in favor of helping them more then we help ourselves...for some, this may not even be on your radar however, if obama would use just a portion of that money to set up a gov't mobile agency to reach the 'out-laying' areas, he could offer those 'disenfranchised people' id cards & that would put that argument to bed.........


hello america!!! yeah, i know, i'm a butt-head however, obama will do this...      & yet, he won't suspend money & aid going to country's that don't like us. pakistan & egypt should have been cut off a long time ago.

&, just for the record, here's obama & brazil march 11, 2011...

also for the record, obama is against us drilling our own oil...........


hello america!!! once an idiot, always an idiot....what can we possibly gain from the following?????????????

knowing that we have already released detainees only to find them fighting against us once again, where in the hell are these people supposed to go. once they're released in yemen, they're going to be seen as martyr's & used to recruit even more members to al qaeda.

on the other hand, perhaps obama is thinking that they will join him for breakfast & all will be forgiven...

however, what can you reasonably expect from somebody that actually believes al qaeda is 'decimated & on the run'????