Wednesday, June 1, 2011


hello america!!! can anybody please tell me, why is obama trying to win a second term? what can he do in the next four years for this country that he's failed to do in his first four? these are two very honest questions &;, they come from a very concerned citizen---namely, me.

when i compare what obama has &; hasn't done for this country, i find that he's done exceedingly little for the 'good-of-america'. again here's my list::::::::

1....the housing market---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
2....the economy---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
3....the banking industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse.
4....the auto industry---is it better off now then it was before obama---NO, it's worse

1....the housing market (which obama &; others failed to respond to when pres bush warned them about fannie &; freddie) is about to hit rock-bottom despite obamas pouring our tax dollars into it &; he doesn't have a clue on how to fix it. how can you expect him to know how to fix it when he's an active pro-sub-par loans activist? if you care to remember, obama surrounded himself with all of those 'super-smart idiots' (that this country could not do without) that were supposed to advise & help him get the housing market under control. obama has done nothing to stunt the direction the market has & is going & yet, every time there is a little good news about the market, he's in front of the teleprompters telling us it's getting better. it's not getting better---it's getting worse & it's going to continue until it hits rock bottom. obama believes in throwing good money after bad & his continuing to fund frannie & freddie are further proof of it. new houses aren't being built; old homes aren't being sold; home-owners are facing further massive forclosures; banks still aren't loaning money; jobs are not only hard to find, they're also hard to hold on to. yeah obama, put some more money in the pot so i can get a sub-prime loan that i'll never be able to pay back & i'll buy a new house.

2....the economy has become much worse then when obama was first elected to office &, there's not a bright picture in sight. in fact, the manufacturing industry is about to hit a two year low & american unemployment remains at 9% (which in reality is probably 16-18%). obama told us he knew how to fix this problem he inherited when he was campaigning for office & the problem's only gotten worse under his watch. his 'american reinvestment & recovery act' didn't do crap to stunt the loss of jobs or aid the growth of the economy. &, if left up him, he would pour more money into something he doesn't know how to fix. obama 'selected' which company's did & didn't get tarp money &, without having all the company's in front of me, i'd bet whatever you want that the majority of those that recieved funds from obama were unionized. he believes that 'big government', 'entittlement programs', & 'unionized labor' are the answers to fixing the long must it take for obama 'gets' it? his 'strongest' supporters will tell you he needs more time---time to do what? if you can remember obama campaigning, he had all the answers for all of our problems. he put the 'only people' in the world that could fix our economy...what happened? why ain't it fixed? obama doesn't deserve a second chance because he's failed us so miserably during his first one. the private jobs sector (a free & competitive market) has always been what drove america---not unionized labor or the govenement. if obama is allowed to continue to shackle the private jobs sector & promote unionization & grow the government, we will, without a doubt, become a socialized country. let me put it this way---if youtube, twitter, mtv, facebook & myspace were fully unionized, obama would never have been elected because the mass majority of americans would not have been able to afford unionized rates. unionize mickyd's & burgerking & tell me how many times a week you'll eat there. unions directly cause a raise in prices that are passed on to us & this is why so many company's move overseas, produce their products, ship them back here & sell them for less then their unionized counterpart. if no arguement can be made for obamas failure, follow this one: obama had two years with a majority in the house & the senate & has faided to balance the budget. the raising of the debt ceiling is something they knew was coming & did nothing except reward the people & groups that voted for them---obama & the dems don't give a fart about america, the economy is worse off under obama watch then it was before he took office & there's nothing he or his 'think-tank' can do about it. but, america, i promise you this, as soon as the summer employment numbers come in, obama will be teleprompting us about how he's saved the day & we all know that temporary summer jobs are right around the corner...tomorrow's supposed to bring the job growth for may & if what i'm hearing is correct, they'll announce that 38,000 jobs were added. 2 1/2 million jobs were lost under obamas watch even though he's pushed through all of these programs: obamacare; cash-for-clunkers; bank bailouts; housing market bailouts; auto bailouts; unemployment bailouts; public assistance bailouts; education bailouts; selective company bailouts; &, his american reinvestment & recovery act---all of which have failed horribly. 40 million americans (if i heard this right) are collecting foodstamps & there's nothing in the works from obama or the dems to get some of these people back to work.

3....the banking industry is obamas baby regardless of what he says about pres bush. he is the one that decided which banks were to big to fail & which ones could be allowed to collaspe. he's the one that poured our money into them. he's the one that is allowing fannie & freddie to continue unchecked & he is continuing to give them unlimited funding any time they need or want it. he's the one that gave bank of america a bailout so they could get out of the red but, they used the money to buy another bank. because of obama, we own some of the banks & we're not getting any bang for our buck. the banks are still not making loans & the forclosures are about to continue on a massive scale. obama gave them our money & when we questioned them about it, they told us to mind our business. i don't think we'll ever get all of our money back. if obama & congress (both dems & repubs) had of heeded pres bush's warnings & requests for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie, we probably would have averted this whole this mess in the first place...& that brings me to this---obama remids me of a cornered rat...he's blamming pres bush for all of our present problems but, obama had a direct hand in our downfall. he won't admit it & the pro-obama media won't expose him for what he is. but, i have & will continue to do so. one will have to admit that the banking industry is worse off now then before obamas election.

4....obama bailed out gm & chrysler with our money & look at them now. ford smartly blew obama off & look at them now. america, which company made the smarter choice? well, if you don't know, i'm here to tell you. gm just announced a big loss & we're about to eat 14 billion dollars they owe us...thank you obama. ford is doing well---they don't owe us anything, they're making a profit because they're turning out a good product, they went to the table with their workers & ironed out their problems &, they have the only fully operational solar-powered plant in the country...obama, if you can't get anything out of this picture, you wasted your time & money at harvard & columbia. when the private sector have problems, they can settle them on their own without the help of government---you say your american but your actions say want to expand our government & take our money to help those you choose to help & you say the hell with all the rest. you are pathetic. i have never heard you say one positive thing about fords' accomplishments nor have you visited them. why not? i can only surmise that your failure to say anything good about ford & your failing to visit them is an admission that all you have done for the auto industry failed but, what else is new? obama, you should have left gm & chrysler alone...america would have picked them up...they always do. gm & chrysler will be back at the table for another handout & that will just be further proof that your bailouts for them failed. so yes, the auto industry is in worse shape now then before you took office.

obama, you're a failure & (this may seem like a low blow) i can only wonder what your protected & sheltered daughters will say when they read about your failures as a leader. i can imagine you telling them your side of it now but, in the future, when they can remove the blinders you've put on them, they'll learn the truth. you can only keep the truth of your failing america from them for so long.

obama promised to get rid of the government agencys' that didnt & don't work & to strengthen those that do...what happened? which agency has he gotten rid of? in fact, he didn't get rid of any, he actually added more. it seems we have several federal agencys' doing the same thing & they should be consolidated. irs needs to go & we need a new system; immigration agencys' need to go (obamas aunt is still here living off of our money) & the power needs to go to the states & the feds should only step in when the states abuse their authority; the homeland security agency needs to go & be revamped---there are just too many agencys' doing the same thing & yet, singularly or collectively, they have not solved our border security issues; social security will have to be revisited shortly down the road; public assistance needs a very serious overhaul---i personally know of 18 people here in allentown, pa that should not be getting crap from the government; the transportation department needs to be overhauled---dot has too many branches & fingers all over the country & they don't seem to be on the same page.

america, regardless of whatall obama has told us, the proof is in the pudding & it don't taste good. he can get up there in front of his teleprompters & be as smooth as melted butter but, in the end, the facts remain:::he hasn't done anything to help us out of this mess. what's worse is, he's always late to respond:::look at how long it took him to okay "the surge" in afghanistan; look at how long it took him to respond to haiti; he showed up at joplin a week after the tragic deaths& loss of property because of a tornado; (this one should bother every american) look at how long it took him to sign the bush tax cuts. who can forget his waiting until the last minute to extend the funding for the government? we are still waiting for him to balance the budget. &, here it is two months before the debt extention date & obama has no concrete plan to offer to america or congress. for, that matter, when has obama offered a blue-print bill to congress or us?

obama has proven he does not have the leadership qualities a president must have & that coupled with all of his failures should overwelmingly convince you that he does not deserve another four years.