Monday, February 2, 2009


hello america! i woke up thanking my LIVING GOD for allowing me to face another day. &, then i turned the tv on. why did i have to do that? obama was on with the governor of vermont talking about this need for action &, i 100% agree with them that something needs to be done now.

well, as much as i really want to support obama, he has this nasty habit of opening his mouth &, what comes out of it when he isn't teleprompting defies logic on any level.

he was promoting the bill the house passed without any republicans voting for it (along with 11 courageous democrats). please america, look up the bill yourself ( & it's presently called "H.R.1". it's filled with 600 plus pages of BS &, even a blind person reading it without braile, would know it's crap.

obama is pleased with the package that passed the house vote & therein lies the problem...this bill does so little for us as a nation.

let me put it anouther way:::obama, (GOD forbid it should happen) but, let's liken this bill of yours to your oldest daughter having a serious accident & in need of urgent, serious medical care. let's see, the doctors respsonding would all have to consult with their chief & formalize a plan of action. then they would have to vote on that plan of action with some for it & some against it. then they would have to present that plan to their board of directors. let's just assume that the board okayed it without the support of some of the very capable doctors support. from here the plan must go to the stock-holders where there is expected non-support which could keep your daughter from receiving the care she actually needs. how would you feel?

let's break it down------

your daughters represents america-& yes, we need urgent & serious care

the doctors represent the congressional committees that formalize the care-repubs & dems

the chief represents you as our president-someone that wants to please himself, his fellow democrats & supporters &, the hell with main-stream america

the board of directors represent the house-a democratic controled majority with their own agenda which has very lttle to do with the good of america

the stock-holders represent the senate-repubs & dems with a line right down the middle

here is the problem...your daughter needs an immediate heart transplant, needs her left leg below the knee reattached or she'll lose it &, her right elbow needs to be replaced

well, the doctors plans favor what most of the democrat side wants...increasing hospital spending for growth; buying new equipment in the guise of providing more jobs; financially assisting other hospitals & charities that have supported them in the past; providing funding for poverty stricken families to receive mamograms & smoking cessasation classes; &, providing funding for a new lobby & fitness center within their hospital.

now obama, you being an educated man, i'm sure that when you sort through the 600 plus pages of crap they have presented you, surely you'll find something that will help your daughter now...

i'm sure you get the gist of what i am have damn near the whole world listening & watching you &, this is the best you can come up with for america? no where in your public history have you shown that you are a 'stand-up-take-charge-person' &, don't feed me that crap that your campaign shows that---take a pro-obama biased media out of the picture & you'd still be sitting in the senate: you know it, i know it & america will soon come to know it.