Sunday, December 24, 2017


hello america!!! can you imagine where we'd be as a country if the dems would get on board with the 'trumpster'??? seemingly, every & any thing he has proposed has been met with 100% staunch defiance (to include from the media)---&, his many accomplishments, in spite of the 'never-trumpers', never get the media coverage they so richly deserve...

look, after all of the time & money spent on the 'trump/russian collusion', not one shred of evidence has been offered linking &/or proving any of the allegations to trump & yet, the dems & left-wing media won't let it go---actually, it seems that the 'investigations' have uncovered more 'wrong-doings' by the dems than by trump &, i honestly hope all that are guilty will be held accountable in our courts of law---that said, the investigations continue so, there's no 'hoping' them away...

let's be real, when i compare our last 50 years to this (almost) first year under the trumpster, i'm blown away by how far he's moved the needle in our favor---& hey, that needle's moved for the good of all of america---extremely low national unemployment rate (4.1%); many, many more jobs; record-setting stocks markets, excellent ira & 401k results; many more housing sales; much higher gdp ratings; much higher business & consumer confidence levels; 1.5 million less people on food stamps; our community's drugs/gangs/violence problems are finally being addressed; better trades deals; stronger & better military; $1 trillion dollar infrastructure proposal; drilling in alaska (anwr) passed by law; keystone pipeline up & running; veteran affairs (va) quickly becoming much improved; countries have to pay us their fair share for our services & aid; crippling business regulations being rolled back; isis is truly on the run & lands they once controlled have been returned to the power of the gov'ts; jerusalem has finally being recognized as the capital of israel; illegal southern border crossings are down; certain countries have a temporary ban for traveling to our country; obamacare individual mandate repealed by law; tax reform signed into law lowering everyone's tax brackets & almost doubling the standard deduction for all; corporate tax rates lowered to 21% allowing us to be more competitive; some corporations handing out bonuses to their workers/raising their minimum wage rates/& providing millions of dollars for infrastructure projects of their own due to the new tax law; &, he's been trying to reach across our racial division to truly make us a nation of one...

good people, all of the above came from the top of my head & then, i ran into this (from while looking for something else---CLICK HERE FOR WHAT THE LEFT-WING MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT TO YOU...

america, i'm here to tell you that the 'trumpster' is the real deal &, as a country, we deserve somebody that keeps their word---although there will always be 'trump haters', good people, we all need to unite behind donald trump because all he is doing is trying to restore our greatness for all of us...

Saturday, December 23, 2017


hello america!!! at some point in our lives we've all acted the fool but, to get arrested because of lies is just plain stupid as is the case of those arrested for protesting the passage of the new tax cuts & jobs act---good people, you can thank the dems & left-wing media for that because all they have done is speak extremely negatively about the new law to the point of calling it 'armageddon' & saying 'it would cause 13 million people to be kicked off their healthcare coverage'...

the tax cuts & jobs act facts:::
1.....we all get a new standard deduction ranging from $12,000.00 filing single) & up to $24,000.00 (filing 2-parent home with kids) both are higher than the present standard deductions of $6,500.00 (filing single) & up to $13,000.00 (filing marred couples)---that's a benefit for all...
2.....we all end up in a lower tax bracket---that's a benefit for all---the sole exception being those that make up to $9,525.00 because their bracket will remain at 10%, however, they should get a 'big refund' next year...
3....nobody is being 'kicked off' of their healthcare coverage (for all of you non-thinking people, i repeat, nobody is being 'kicked off' of their healthcare coverage)---if you're ignorant enough to just accept what dems shumer, pelosi, durbin, warren, sanders & others say, than you deserve to act up & go to jail for your stupidity---simply put, they lied to all of america (again) &, they did so knowingly & willingly &, unfortunately, you continue to believe them---WHY???
4.....the new tax law is projected to add $1.5 trilling dollars to our national debt over the course of 10 years (for you non-thinkers, that's ten years) which is something those very same aforementioned  dems fail to mention---they make it sound like it will be immediate & yet, they had no problem with 'un-patriotic & un-american' obama (his words/not mine) adding $10 trillion dollars to our national debt...
5.....some portions of the new tax law will 'sunset' (expire) in 2025 but it's expected that no congress (repub or dem) would allow that & you, the voter, will have everything to say about that...
6.....there are 'credits' written into the new tax law to help single parents with children as well as 2-parent homes with children...
7.....80% plus of our taxpayers are expected to receive some form of benefit from the new tax law...

there are estimates that as many as 13 million people may CHOOSE not to continue their healthcare coverage between now & 2027 because the new tax law guts the obamacare individual mandate---that's it folks, nothing more/nothing less---& yet, the dem talking heads deliberately took that to another level (a lie) to spin their narrative that whatever the repubs & trump do is bad for america---but, rather than believe me, try reaching out to one of your dem elected officials & ask them where it's written that 13 million people will be kicked off of their healthcare coverage because of the new tax law---please, listen to their response very carefully because they'll beat around the bush because it's not TRUE---all of those presently covered will retain that coverage with the new tax law unless they (& only they) choose not to be covered...but why listen to me, read it for yourselves HERE...

look, let's keep it real---we expect our children to do their own homework & yet, most of you refuse to lead by example---with today's technology, there's no excuse for your not looking up the new tax law & finding out if it benefits you or not & hey, you would have found that out within 3 minutes of your researching it...

cnn has this handy calculator to actually help you figure out where you stand---CLICK HERE... lists the old & new tax brackets HERE...

this comes from & may help you even more---CLICK HERE...

america, an uninformed mind is a mind looking for somebody to lead it & hey, if you continue to allow the dems to lead you, you'll always get what you always got & i can't remember too many of you being happy with the dem leadership under obama...

& please, remember this---the dems (no matter what) cannot afford for trump & the repubs to continue to be successful in restoring america to her greatness---so, all-in-all, be prepared to hear more deliberate lies, fear tactics, race-baiting & trump-bashing from the dems as other bills are presented in our congress...

Friday, December 22, 2017


hello america!!! a lot of you are not going to like me for writing this so, if you're anti-trump/repubs, stop reading now...

wednesday-12/20/2017, foxnews ran this shortly after trump gave his 'congratulatory speech' on the white house grounds--- it is thursday-12/21/2017-2:23am/est &, not surprisingly, cnn & msnbc make no mention of it, but they're filled with a lot of negative trump stories...

the story speaks for itself &, undoubtedly, more companies will follow suit---it's called 'TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS' & yes, they do work---however, the dems were telling us that only the wealthy, the share-holders & ceo's would benefit &, of course, the left-wing media ran with that...

the 'tax cuts & jobs act' bill, when signed into law, will help a lot of people---hell, like 80% plus of our working force---yes, some will get more/some will get less & however, no matter the amount, that is 100% better than not getting anything at all---hey, let's think about that---the dems won't allow you to have more money in your pocket because the rich might get richer???

unfortunately, far too many of you allow yourselves to blindly be led by the dem talking heads who claim the new tax law does nothing for the middle class &, only benefits the wealthy---please, in the future, do your own homework &, you can start with this---

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


hello america!!! let's try it this way---if i...
1.....sign climate bills into law that restrict our businesses from growth
2.....sign healthcare coverage into law that forces businesses to cut hours; not hire; not expand &/or close up
3.....sign executive regulations that hinder the growth of businesses
4.....declare war on the coal & oil industries & carry through with that war
5.....sign bills into law (i.e; dodd/frank bill) that prohibits our banks & businesses from growing
6.....spend tax-payers dollars on green energy projects that knowingly fail/are failing/will fail
7.....allow businesses to willingly relocate to foreign soil without penalties
8.....allow illegal aliens to cross our borders without regrets & than provide for them at tax-payers expense an 'america last' policy nothing to raise our gdp & am satisfied that 2% is the new norm all i can to keep americans from working & then, lower the requirements for welfare related help
12...enter america into trades deals that put our interests last
13...add approx $10 trillion dollars to our national debt after calling bush 'unpatriotic & unamerican' for only adding $5 trillion dollars
14...allow isis & others that wish us harm to grow
15...downsize our military
16...withdraw/downsize our troops from areas where they were needed
17...start the 'war on police'
18...deny any knowledge of all the 'scandals' (of which there were many) surrounding my administration
19...apologize for america being america
20...attempt to close 'gitmo' & try enemy combatants in our courts systems to provide protection for the citizens residing in our inner-communities
22...encourage sanctuary cities
23...deliberately refuse to acknowledge the jobs markets situation until after my first 15-18 months in office
24...make promises to take care of our vets & than do nothing for them all i can to fuel american racism
26...continually blame bush & the repubs for all of our problems despite knowing bush first warned congress in 2001 about the housing market collapse (& 20 times thereafter) but met stiff resistance from powerful dems
27...tell americans to live by their means & yet, take luxury vacations at tax-payer expense & then request an 18% boost for retired presidents all i can to not work with the repubs on any issue
29...keep america divided
30...add to the woes of people of color
31...attack & allow attacks on our religious beliefs, freedom of speech rights, gun rights &, other constitutionally protected rights
32...use executive power to by-pass congress
33...deliberately & continuously lie to the american people
34...bow to foreign heads-of-states & then lie about doing so
35...allow the desecration of our american flag to protect our personnel in benghazi & then lie about why they were killed
37...draw a line in the sand & then fail to act when that line is crossed

first, can you identify me???

if i did all that, would you consider me a great president??? would you hold it against me for now wanting to take credit for the present state of our economy???

Monday, December 18, 2017


hello america!!! the idiots, of which there are far too many say donald trump is a racist, a homophobic, a misogynist, a islamophobic, a xenophobe (just to name a few) &, that he's for the rich only---that being the case, the following must not apply to anybody from any of those groups...

1.....40 fed prosecutors (in addition to those that have already been sent) are being sent into some of our most violent communities to round up the drug-dealers, gang-bangers & criminals so as to make those communities safer---aren't you glad that none of the people trump discriminates against reside in any of those communities???

2.....the national unemployment rate is 4.1% (you'd have to go back to dec 2000 & beyond to find a lower percentage---for black people, the unemployment rate is 7.3% &, averaged over the last 11 months rounds out to 7.5% (something that never happened under obama)---which tells me that only white american 'deplorable'/'un-educated' people are employed...

3.....under the new tax cuts & jobs act bill, all americans benefit---a single filer will have a $12,000.00 standard deduction---meaning your first $12,000.00 is not taxed &, whatever you have left will be taxed at a lower rate---for head of households & married couples, your standard deduction is up to $24,000 but, you can SEE THE RATES HERE...unfortunately, the bill does not apply to those that trump discriminates against...good people, READ THE ACTUAL BILL HERE---FOR YOU THAT DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO READ 1,097 PAGES, HERE'S AN EASY BREAKDOWN... quiet as it's been kept, on 12/12/2017, donald trump signed the 'national defense authorization act for 2018' into law (congress votes on the funding of it next year) & basically, it's about a 'bigger, better, badder' military & yet, it gives all of our military members a 2.4% raise---however, that raise (& other benefits of the bill) don't apply to those that trump discriminates against---here's a summary of the bill---READ IT HERE...

5.....from the very beginning of the trump era, financial america has responded quite favorably because of his regulation rollbacks, gov't purchasing & contracts, tax rhetoric &, other policy changes &, our gdp (gross domestic product) is the proof of his efforts---businesses are booming &, when the tax reform is signed into law, our growth will be unlimited---but, i'm sad to say, all of those business-owners, workers & 401k owners on the trump haters list will not be included...

6.....when i saw the quick response from trump to help all of those areas hit by fires & hurricanes, i was looking for the media to tell me that nobody that trump discriminates against lived in them...

7.....donald trump is proposing a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan that will earmark some of that money for 'fixing up' some of our down-trodden communities---i'm so glad people on trumps discrimination list don't live in any of them...

8.....trades deals & foreign services---let's keep it real---we need to have our trades deals benefit us & hey, they aren't---trump is in the process of renegotiating every one of them so that the playing fields tilts in our favor &/or is level---he is also renegotiating how we provide services for foreign country's at our own expense---in time, he will get them to pay us their fair share & hey, when our gov't has to pay less out, they need less of our dollars to do so but, alas, i just don't see those on that trump discrimination list benefiting from his actions. choice seems to be a dicey subject but hey, which one of you would not wish you could remove your child from a 'bad' school & enroll them in a 'better' one??? that alone seems like a 'no-brainer', however, when the tax bill becomes law, there' a little section in it that give individuals a way to save money in a 529 savings account for their child's education---currently, you could only save for college but under the new tax plan, you'll be able to save for k-12 private schools (including religious ones)---i must have missed the fine-print where it says that only applies to those not on trumps discrimination list...

10...trump is actually doing wonders with our va (veterans affairs) (something previous administrations only talked about)---but, i can't imagine any of those on that dreadful trump discrimination list will reap any of the benefits he's brought about...

what a fickle & conflicted people we have become---what's good for our country is good for all...

good people, do not allow yourselves to be deceived by those that knowingly fear trumps abilities & plans to make our country great again---he is a complete threat to their power over you because, if trump is just halfway successful, your need for them will expire & hey, they will use every trick known (& not known) to mankind to try & prevent that success...

while i'm at it, just how many people on that trump discrimination list prospered under the last 2 presidents???

Saturday, December 16, 2017


hello america!!! it saddens me to see people of color fully embracing & defending the dem party without ever giving any consideration to the arguments from the opposing side, the repubs...

dem elected nancy pelosi said that passage of the 'tax cuts & jobs act' would lead to 'armageddon' & you can see it for yourselves RIGHT HERE...

the dems said passage of the repubs 'american care act' would throw 24 million people off of heathcare & you can read that for yourselves RIGHT HERE...

the dems said repub paul ryan would 'throw grandma off the cliff' when he proposed changes to our entitlements programs & you can see that for yourselves RIGHT HERE...

the dems said that pulling out of the paris climate deal would 'make america last' plus, there were a host of other negative sayings from them about it, however, here's dem john kerry RIGHT HERE...

the dems said 'the stock market would crash if donald trump were elected' & hey, here's 'anti-trumper' mark cuban RIGHT HERE...

the dems & obama mocked trump's campaign promises to 'get our jobs back' & here's obama in person mocking trump RIGHT HERE...

the dems all scoffed at trump campaigning on a 3% gdp & here's newsweek's article about that RIGHT HERE...

the dems (all of those celebrities) that said they'd leave the country if trump were elected & yet, they're still here & you can view that list RIGHT HERE...

when 'fear tactics' don't work, they resort to lying to your face... 

people of color, i could do the above all day long but, in short, i hope you realize what you don't hear from the dems, however, i'm here to take those blinders off of you... don't hear the dems talking about 'revitalizing' our down-trodden communities... don't hear the dems talking about helping us fight the problems of gangs, drugs & violence that have taken over our communities... don't hear the dems talking about allowing us to keep more of our paychecks by giving the gov't less... don't hear the dems talking about allowing us to make 'school & educational' decisions for our children based on what 'we', & not the fed gov't, think are best for them... don't hear the dems talking about how we can put money in an education account for our children's education... don't hear the dems talking about putting us back to work &/or helping our black-owned businesses... don't hear the dems talking about keeping you safer & treating you better than they do illegal aliens... don't hear the dems talking about setting up 'training' for us to ensure we'll be able to qualify for those future jobs (robotics, etc)... don't hear the dems talking about changing our status from gov't dependency to independent... don't hear the dems talking about helping our vets (of all colors)... don't hear the dems talking about all the senseless black-on-black violence that's become nation-wide nor have you heard any of their plans to conquer it---but, they'll come out of the wood-work to get you riled up when a cop kills a person of color (justified or not)...

look, let's keep it real---the dems are excellent at 'messaging' but, hey, judge them by their actions &, if you think they've changed themselves from being 'racist', why would hillary have to remind black people that she always carries 'hot sauce' with her??? or the words of former vp joe bidden as seen RIGHT HERE...

we allow ourselves to be led by the left-wing media far too much without questioning anything they report---trump is branded a racist for saying he wants to build the wall & temporarily ban people from several countries & yet, from bill clinton on up, none of those presidents were racist for saying the same thing...

good people, when it's voting time, the dems can convince you that they were personally sent by GOD to erase all of your problems & that the repubs only want to increase them but, i'm here to tell you that an 'honestly informed voter' is not what they want you to ever become...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


hello america!!! i have a very strong feeling that unless judge roy moore follows up with some form of court action, his 'so-called victims' will quickly fade back to the quiet life they were previously living---it's beyond belief that a 'mere allegation' can ruin a person's life without 'DUE PROCESS' & even more-so when any of the evidence has been tampered with...

look, i am not suggesting that any of the females that have come forward are lying or are wrong but, why is it that the male is immediately castigated/denigrated without any form of evidence other than that of verbalization of the allegations??? nor am i implying that any of the victims be 'dragged through the mud'...

america, i remember all of the females that came forward against bill clinton (& how they suffered) &, i remember the other side of that issue filled with females that continued to support him---the same could be said of ted kennedy & chappaquiddick or supreme court justice clarence thomas & anita hill---plus, you have bill cosby &, in another sense, michael jackson---there are far too many paths to travel in reference to all of them to list here, however, i brought them up to say this---bill clinton was guilty & hillary continued to support him (as did many, many other women) &, it wasn't until very recently that the females in congress ever said anything negative about him &, i can't help but question the timing of all of those females that have 'suddenly' found their voices to agree that he should have stepped down---HMMM??? in truth, i think they are laying the ground-work against donald trump because that russian collusion bs won't fly but, that's another story...

when i look at our elected females & other prominent females that have now found their voices, i ask this---where in the hell was/is that voice when it comes to the degradation of females in our music, our movies &, our social networks, etc??? hey, this applies to the elected black females moreso than any other races---you just can't have it both ways---as was the case of kate steinle (can't remember hearing much from any of you about that 'twisted verdict'...

good people, the  elected dems (male/female) nit-pick far too much---they're all over these 'sexual harassment allegations' & yet, what have you heard any of them saying about the 60 women that have been killed in chicago this year or, the 319 that were wounded??? nor have you heard them say anything about the 68 women that were killed there last year or the 378 that were wounded---hell, i could continue this for a while but, hopefully, you've got the point...

what you've never heard them talking about is the way joe bidden acts around children nor do i hear them talking about how hillary was allowed to have accepted all of that money from foreign countries that don't recognize women as having any rights & yet, they still supported her...

here it is dec 2017 & our elected leaders (male/female) are just now talking about that 'slush fund' that's been around since 1997---are you going to try & tell me that rep nancy pelosi (who has been in politics since 1981/36 years) didn't know about it??? or others that have been in office for far too long???

now, back to where i started---i think there should be an 'independent ethics investigation' for any alleged 'wrong doings' for all of our elected officials (at all levels) & those findings should be published---just because something's been said does not make it true but, the damage will have been done---in the case of judge roy moore, he may not be able to prove he's innocent any more than the 'so-called' victims can prove his guilt...

when i look at the dems & what they do, it would be like me (after all of this time) picking a color out of the rainbow i object to because i find it offensive---however, alabama has spoken...

Sunday, December 10, 2017


hello america!!! all of the following is just my imparting the truth but, first this---it has been said that we are a 'caring an forgiving people' & that's where i'm coming from, however, this is not about 'black or white', it's about 'political party'...

1.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had held them in slavery???
2.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had fought a war to keep them in slavery???
3.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had refused them welfare???
4.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had denied them the right to vote???
5.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had fought against the civil rights act???
6.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had fought against school segregation???
7.....should people of color care about & forgive those that had birthed the 'kkk party'???
8.....should people of color care about & forgive those that don't do anything for them???
9.....should people of color care about & forgive those that only acknowledge them when it's election time or when they need their support for or against a bill???
10...should people of color care about & forgive those that have allowed their communities to be over-run with gangs, drugs, crimes &, poverty???

good people, you can answer the above questions in any manner you wish to (in the comments section), however, to all american people of color, please do your own homework---under a black dem president for 8 long years, you were worse off than you are now under a white repub president who's not even been in office for one full year &, the numbers back that statement up 100%...

Saturday, December 9, 2017


hello america!!! it saddens me to see & hear obama trying to take credit for the recent growth of our economy when, in fact, he did everything he could to keep us from growing---&, for you doubters, i'll break it down for you...

but first, i posted the following on a friday-1/20/17 &, every word of it is still true...

& please, dont' forget, obama & company didn't start counting jobs growth until the recession was officially declared over 15-18 months after he was first sworn in

the following is the gdp (on a yearly basis) from 1990-2016...

hopefully you will have noticed that our gdp growth never went above 2.6 under obama

just so you know, the gdp rate under trump is---1st qtr/1.2%; 2nd qtr/3.1%; 3rd qtr/3.3%

the following comes our very own bureau of labor statistics (bls) from jan 2007-present...

also, don't forget that the bls changed the way they calculated unemployment jan 2010 by omitting several different groups thus lowering the rate automatically to the benefit of obama---yeah, he changed the goal-posts in the middle of the game 

obamas regulations caused jobs & our gdp to remain dormant---obamacare caused people to lose their jobs &/or have their hours reduced---obamas epa regulations caused jobs to be lost---obamas war on coal caused jobs to be lost---obamas trades deals caused jobs to be lost---obamas policies in our waters caused jobs to be lost---everything that obama touched caused us jobs &/or misery---hell, just look at his 'green energy program' & how many company's he gave our money to that failed &/or are failing causing us to lose jobs coupled with misery...

bush added about $5 trillion to our debt in his 8 years---obama added about $10 trillion to our debt in his 8 years & yet, obama called bush 'irresponsible & unpatriotic'---here's a video of it

i really wish there were no more financial obama-negatives to reveal but, the list seems endless---so, why not ask those 'seniors' how obama aided them with the cost of living adjustment---just to be fair, i went back to 1975 & you can it see for yourself---remember, obamas dates are 1/20/09-1/20/17
do you remember obamas 'cash for clunkers' program &, while i could put up other links to support the programs failure, i like this one

do you remember that $50 billion 'shovel ready' infrastructure part of the obamas 'american jobs act'??? you know, the one that failed & he joked about that failure---you can read all about it from cagw

i can remember obama with the chevy volt (he actually said he'd buy one when he left office)---just so you know, the chevy volt failed...

he touted caterpillar & they laid thousands of workers..., there's this

what nobody talks about is our recession could have been avoided had people (to inlude obama) listened to bush's warnings

&, just so you know, obama signed the dodd/frank bill into law which trump wants to have repealed
we also had a decline in drilling under obama & yes, there are far too many articles & charts to post here so i decided on this one

there's also the mass numbers of illegal aliens obama not only allowed into our country, he encouraged it & yes, it's cost us dearly in terms of finances & misery

&, there's this

to my fellow black people---
can you remember when obama promised our country all of those jobs??? well look at this gov't chart & tell me where they were/are...

black home ownership also fell under obama
america, obama did nothing 'good' for our economy &, if i'm wrong or missed something, please inform me in the 'comments' section...

Friday, December 8, 2017


hello america!!! let's start with this---you don't have to like trump nor do have to respect him, however, regardless of how you feel, he is our president & that office should be respected by all...

trump is not your 'typical every day', 'smooth talking', 'promise you the world' kind of politician---he's 'blunt', 'forceful', 'tells it like it' is &, above all else, 'a man of his word'---everything he's done &/or has tried to do is what all he campaigned on---which president before him ever did that??? for that matter, which politician, once elected, ever kept his word??? while i'm asking questions, permit me to ask this, which public figure ever faced as much negative media coverage as trump has faced??? i could walk from allentown pa to the himalayas & back before you can come up with a name to any of those 3 questions...

the dems & established repubs (rinos) don't like trump simply because he's a threat to the way they've been doing business---all for themselves & the hell with you (have you ever known of a senator or congressman to retire from office broke???)---look at it this way, if trump is successful in making america great again & fulfilling his campaign promises, wouldn't that prove to you that what those before him were doing was not for you or our country???

look, trumps accomplishments have redirected the way our country is being allowed to grow---stocks are up; consumer confidence is up; unemployment down; home-ownership is up; our military is getting stronger; company's are returning to our shores to do business; gangs are being rounded up by the feds; drug-dependency is finally getting the interest & funds it needs to combat it; our veterans are starting to receive the care they so richly deserve in a more timely manner; dangerous illegal aliens being rounded up & jailed &/or deported; illegal border-crossings are down; stronger vetting of foreigners is keeping us safer; isis is actually on the run; we're getting out of the bad deals; we're quick to aid those in need because of natural disasters; other country's are actually giving us respect;  & hey, just think, trump took office jan 20th & he immediately reversed the direction our county was heading---&, before i forget, the tax & infrastructure bills (when signed into law) will be an even bigger boost for all of america...

we can argue about the way trump talks but hey, you'd have to be a 'special kind of idiot' or a 'fake-news die-hard' not to recognize his results---& yes, we still have a long way to go to reach that point where all americans can pursue that 'american dream' but hey, we're closing in on it...

&, to my fellow black people---if america prospers, so do you---black unemployment is 7.3% (&, just so you know, the last time it was lower was april 2000---7.0% &, trump hit that sep 2017)---&, fyi, the tax bill will help you (as an individual, a family or a business) more than any dem wants to admit as will his infrastructure bill help our decaying communities (dems won't admit that either)...

this comes from

this comes from the bureau of labor statistics (bls) &, for you black doubters, click on it, change the 'from' date to 1972 & click on go---there is no data prior to 1972

this comes from

this comes from the

good people, you'll never become more educated or informed if you only read the 'headlines' or listen to the 'talking points'---you owe it to yourselves to do your own homework...

Monday, December 4, 2017


hello america!!! exactly 2 months ago, i posted this CLICK HERE & today, i'm sad to say, nothing has changed---wait a minute, a lot has changed...

we have this from the newamerican---HERE...

&, we have this from theroot---HERE...

&, we have new numbers regarding the senseless homicides in the 6 communities i'm following...

chicago (ytd)---636 total homicides of which 587 were by gunshot/489 black homicides/109 hispanic homicides/police killed 11-wounded 10 per

baltimore (ytd)---322 total homicides of which 280 were by gunshot/272 black homicides/3 hispanic homicides per

la county (ytd)---575 total homicides of which 434 were by gunshot/181 black homicides/315 hispanic homicides/police killed 39 per

jacksonville (ytd)---123 total homicides of which 91 were by gunshot/83 black homicides/3 hispanic homicides/police killed 7 per

milwaukee (ytd)---113 total homicides of which 102 were by gunshot/94 black homicides/6 hispanic homicides per

st louis (ytd)---190 total homicides of which 172 were by gunshot/173 black homicides/1 hispanic homicide per

ytd totals for just those 6 communities are...
1,959 total homicides/1,666 by gunshot/1,292 black homicides/437 hispanic homicides/police killed at least 57

sadly, what hasn't changed is the deafening silence surrounding these senseless killings by our 'so-called' leaders, our pro athletes, the media, the various groups, by you, etc...

&, just think, this is but a minute fraction of our whole country...


hello america!!! i find it very ironic that none of the dems seemed to care about our national debt when obama ran it up by $10 trillion dollars---nor are they concerned with how much of our money special council mueller is allowed to spend for his investigating the trump/russia allegations---nor are they concerned with how much money illegal aliens are costing us---nor are they concerned with how much money obamacare is costing us as individuals & as a country---nor are they concerned with the 'slush fund' the irs uses to pay off claims of sexual harassment & other things---plus, there's a host of other 'concerns' they don't care about...

but now, we're supposed to believe that they're suddenly concerned about the tax bill adding $1 trillion dollars over 10 years to it under trump & hey, nobody honestly knows if the tax bill will even add to our national debt...

just so you can see what the senate & house bills offer, check this out from the daily signal...

quit letting the dems mislead you...


hello america!!! let's see if i got this right---all i've heard from the dems during the senate tax cuts debates is; it isn't a tax cut for the middle-class & yet, they offered an amendment to make those same middle-class tax cuts PERMANENT---perhaps they can convince me that what i saw & heard them arguing isn't them arguing it---good luck with that...

good people, i watched cspan2 from day one of the senate tax cuts debates & proposals &, i feel as if i'm as qualified as any 'so-called-expert' to comprehend & explain what all i saw & heard PERIOD!!! &, what i witnessed is a travesty---dem after dem kept saying that the bill would create a burden on the middle-class; make the wealthy wealthier; & add to the deficit (they so conveniently failed to say that that would be over a 10-year period) &, that the bill in it's present form was not a tax cut for the middle class people of america---if you were stupid enough to listen to them, this bill was a 'death sentence' on the middle-class & 'big boost' to company's & the wealthy---what a humongous bunch of crap...

in 100% truth, the dem thinking is---if the rich are going to get richer, the hell with anything that will help the middle class---that's the equivalent of a rich man coming to your block & saying he wants to give everybody on your block $100.00 but, he/she can't because a few of you feel those that are better off than others shouldn't get that $100.00---so, if the dems had their way, nobody would get the $100.00---america, that's just 'stinkin-thinkin'...

as divided as our great country is, what's supposed to be good for one should be good for all---hey, isn't that the same bs the dems told you when they rammed obamacare down our throats??? the only problem with that is (&, i'll just list a few)---the dems didn't want it for themselves; the unions didn't want it; the medical field that supported it didn't want it; the affluent didn't want it; main-stream-media didn't want it; &, perhaps the most revealing of all is, obama didn't want it for himself, relatives &/or his friends---BUT HEY, IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!! for you idiots, that's akin to saying i want universal healthcare for you as long as i don't have to get it---which is another way of saying, we want a 'higher minimum wage' & yet, we want our interns to work for us for free---are you really that stupid???

yes, some of you are &, my own people of color continue to elect these dems that only offer us 'lip-sevice' & yet, do nothing to actually help us or our country---biggest case in point is chicago, il---people of color are killing one another at an unprecedented rate & all we do is re-elect the same dems based on their false promises---what in the hell has chicago ever done for our county or people of color in the last few decades with a dem mayor??? there are far too many other communities that follow that same vein of 'not doing' & yet, 'promise us' the world---WHEN WILL WE LEARN???

look, when the dems argue about the tax bills, you really need to be concerned with what they really mean for you & your family & disregard the dem talking points which never change...