Tuesday, March 27, 2018


hello america!!! the dems & left-wing media would have you believe that the trump admin is in chaos with all the changes in the admin---so, not knowing any better, i took the time to compile the following...

2 different sec's of state
2 different sec's of treasury
4 different sec's of defense
2 different att gen's
2 different sec's of the interior
3 different sec's of commerce
2 different sec's of labor
2 different sec's of human & health services
2 different sec's of education
2 different sec's of housing & urban development
2 different sec's of transportation
2 different sec's of energy
2 different sec's of veterans affairs
2 different sec's of homeland security
4 different chief of staff
2 different administrator's of the environmental protection agency
4 different director's of the office of management & budget
2 different ambassador's to the un
2 different us trade representatives
4 different chairs of the council of economic advisers
2 different administrator's of the small business administration
2 different fbi director's
5 different cia director's
2 different nsa director's

hey, if my math is almost good, that's a 60-count turnover of personnel---& hey, it doesn't include all of the people that 'resigned'...

perhaps the 'trumpster' does have a problem with some of his current personnel, however, the above list belongs to obama & none of the dems or media had a problem with the change-overs then so, what is the problems with change-overs now??? oh, i,m sorry, i forgot, donald trump is now the president & anything they can say negatively about him is front page news & people wonder about the division within our country...


hello america!!! first & foremost, guns don't kill people/people kill people by whatever means available...

saturday-3/24/2018 was the 'march for our lives' protest event which was held in many of our states & hey, quite a lot of people showed up for it & the news media had a field-day covering it---that said, i'm both glad & proud that so many of our youth were involved---my problems are with 'the messaging' & the 'reason'...

but first, let's look at the facts that caused this horrible event to take place---the majory stoneman douglas high school mass-shootings on 14 feb---17 innocent people killed & 17 innocent people wounded & hey, this could (& should) have been prevented because the killer (i'm not glorifying his name) should have never been allowed to have any weapons PERIOD!!! &, he should have been committed to some form of a mental institution based on multiple reports-READ THIS FROM CNN---bear in mind that the aclu would have then come in & argued for his right to bear arms & his freedom...

it's just wrong to look back at all the signals that were missed & then blame the 'nra', the 'gun' & the repubs for the actions of one person---look, the truth is right, even if it hurts your narrative---the nra didn't fire one single bullet; the gun damn-sure didn't fire on its own accord; &, the repubs were not there---the 'system' failed to act &, for whatever reason, the killer took advantage of that---good people, nobody is questioning how & why the killer was allowed on the school grounds nor are they questioning how & why he was allowed into the building, HMMM???

good people, if you honestly look at what happened at the high school from the first bullet fired in reverse of the events, gun control has nothing to do with any of it...
1.....the outside 'armed' personnel didn't enter the building immediately
2.....no adults within the building were armed or firing back
3.....school-building entrance security was non-existent
4.....school-grounds security was non-existent
5.....the 'system' failed to act on all the info it had on the killer

as you can see, the nra, gun-control nor the repubs had anything to do with the killings or why they were allowed to occur, however, the dems & the left-wing media would have you believe differently &, they took advantage of the situation to get you all riled up so that they can continue to push their agenda down our throats---they want & need you to ignore the facts as they actually appear & yes, they've been known to slant those facts...

look america, whenever there are mass-killings where a gun is involved, the liberal left is extremely quick to call for 'more gun-control' & they are just as quick to condemn the nra but, they never blame the person doing the killings---WHY IS THAT??? while you're trying to answer that, please remember this; the dems are exceedingly quick to politicize the event (s) & they get you caught up in it...

good people, the following should tell you all you need to know about how the dems, with obama in office, failed to accomplish what they are now blaming everybody else for---PLEASE READ THIS HERE &, just so you'll know i'm not totally biased, i even have this from http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/years-sandy-hook-obama-leaves-legacy-progress-gun/story?id=44163755

let's keep it real---you didn't blame the planes for taking down the world trade towers nor do you blame the vehicle that is controlled by a drunk person for the crash/injuries/or fatalities---we all blame the person in control of those instruments of mayhem---& hey, when did you ever hear of the liberal left blaming the gun when a cop kills somebody (justified or not)??? by all accounts, if we listen to the liberal left, the actual killer is innocent & we should be taking the gun to court, or the vehicle, or the plane, or the knife...

while the gathering of our youth to show their support for what they believe to be an honorable cause is a great thing, where was/is their voice on the senseless homicides that occur within our communities on a daily basis??? where was/is their voice on the approx 1 million abortions performed yearly within our country (the top two reasons for them are 'finances' & 'readiness')??? for those with time on their hands & would like to read more about abortions CLICK HERE...BUT, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GOOGLE THE SUBJECT FOR YOURSELF...

young people, the dems are playing you just as they have played the blacks & hispanics---they will do anything to woo you to their side of the issuse (REGARDLESS OF THE 'RIGHT' OR 'WRONG' OF IT)...gun control is a 'political' thing & hey, it doesn't take a high school grad to know that it will never work because if somebody is hell-bent on killing a bunch of people, there are far too many ways around the laws that are already on the books---hell, a legal pump-action shotgun can do just as much damage as a semi-automatic (actually probably even more depending on the shot & the shot spray pattern)---let's keep it real, if every semi-automatic weapon was banned forever & the age was bumped up to 21, two 357 magnums could inflict a lot a mayhem (especially if you had 'quick-re-loaders)---besides, it's easier & faster to buy an illegal street gun than it is to get that high school diploma & hey, you all know this---&, for those of you that are not skeptical about stricter gun laws working, please contact the elected politicians for chicago (total homicides, 111 YTD)  & la county (total homicides, 130 YTD) & then ask them why that is---be prepared for an extremely long monologue without a single answer...

for far too long, we always find out that these ruthless killers were on the radar & somehow, & for far too many reasons, they slipped through the cracks---america, that is well worth protesting---we do need a 'working' national data-base where all info is entered immediately & actual investigated; we need bullet-proof windows in our schools (etc); we need vastly improved security on our school grounds & within our schools; we need to actually adhere to the laws we currently have on the books; we need to completely eradicate this 'pc mentality' & call it like it is & the hell with whoever gets offended...

ponder this, 'if you see something, say something' should/would/could work but only if we act on it to the very best of our investigating authorities...

since you're in a 'pondering mood', give some thought to this---when i see all of the people that showed up demanding 'more gun control' & 'assault-style weapons bans' & discover this WATCH THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO ---& it makes me wonder just how you can show up to support banning something without knowing what you're actually banning---& no, this is not to say that everybody that protested was ignorant---&, from there, we go to SOMETHING THAT HAS TO MAKE YOU WONDER...

so good people, let me close by saying, if there are any errors in my spelling, please, don't blame me---blame the keyboard---need i say more???