Sunday, March 22, 2009


hello america! obama, the more you talk, the less i hear you say.

again, this past friday, obama opened his mouth & the stock markets fell. i'm telling you there is a direct relationship between what he says & the stock markets reaction---they don't trust him either &, today, being sunday, when geithner offeres his budget plan to us on monday or tuesday, i'm willing to wager that the markets drop even more. obama you say you don't watch the markets daily & yet, you have the nerve to tell us to invest in them?

obama says that closing gitmo poses no threat to our national security---well, that should make it simple:::just let the detainees go. he can't even line up countries for them to go to. what part of that does he not understand? obama, if the detainees own country doesn't want them, to include some of the other radical countries, they must still present a threat. either you are very stupid or you're listening to the wrong people.....i think it's a combination of both.

obama, have you told the american people that for us to produce wind & solar on a massive scale within our borders, it will cost a lot more then you previously told us? with about 80% of the manufacturing market already overseas, it will be harder for us to do it as cheaply as you want us to believe. but you could have told them they we will be the major installers of it.

obama, have you told the american people that one of the reasons for congress to continue to bail out these failing companies is because they have investments in them----didn't think i knew of that, did you?

obama, have you told the american people that congress failed in its duties (to include you) to protect america from the present financial situation because of the campaign money they received & that, i'm asking you to return it & that, that is your main reason for changing the subject to your financial plans for america?

obama, have you told the american people that you have no plans to begin investigations into the actions of those that chaired the various agencies that were supposed to be watching & regulating the financial industry? such as, barney franks, chris dodd, baucus, rangle??? if not, why not? they had to turn their heads in order not to see what has happened. & yet, you want to have your att gen investigate Bush & gitmo. i heard you say something like "open & honest" government---try living up to it.

obama, have you told the american people that by everybody focusing on future bonus payouts, we don't have to focus on the real problems that allowed this mess to happen?, acorn & others 'sueing' banks & lenders to force them to give loans to those that were less then credit-worthy--& then you blame Bush because those people couldn't afford to make good on those loans--you're very good at spinning the truth but, i feel you've crossed the line &, have lied to the american people about why we have this economic mess because you had a role in the fall of the housing market &, you can't erase that part of your history. &, i'm not sorry, i do my homework diligently.

obama, have you told the american people just how indebted we are to china? have you told them what's going to happen when china comes to collect that debt? have you told them why you want america to remain in debt to china? i can't hear you.

obama, did you tell the american people that now is the time for the defense department to reduce their budget by at least 10% because now is the time russia is saying they are going to revamp their military & nukes? if you are sincere about going ahead with your plans for the defense department to reduce their budget while you look to do away with 'unproven' weapon systems, you're less american then i previously thought.

obama, i didn't see you on tv at that caterpiller plant telling them that your bailout bill couldn't help them & that you're sorry they had to lay off an additional 2,542 workers after you told them that your bill would stop that. incidentally, how many "poor" people do you think can afford to buy all that new, shiny equipment they produce?

obama, have you told the american people just how feeble your 787 billion dollar bill was & still is? have you told them that it couldn't save 3,000 postal workers from losing their jobs?

obama, have you told the american people that no matter what amount of money you poor into the education system, the quality of education will not be increased until you can improve the quality of that schools atmosphere & the atmosphere of the surrounding area?

obama, i must ask you about your aunt. is she still here &, if so, why? you said you want to get rid of the programs that don't work & yet, she's illegally been here all this time reaping the benefits that the american taxpayers pay for. why? & for how much longer? she was ordered out of the country by a judge---what's the delay? or, are they stalling her deporture while waiting for nancy pelosi to make it legal for her to stay? which is it obama?

obama, have you told the american people that by you banning mexican trucks on our highways, the mexican government is charging us more for their imports to us? congress wrote & passed the bill & you signed it into law & now, you must find a way around it. hindsight could have been avoided if you had allowed congress & the public to review the bill before it was voted on.

obama, have you told america that you are very simular to George Bush? your sticking by sec of treasury, timothy geithner, is very simular to Bush standing by some of his people &, geithner's been telling us about his great plan for america for over a month & still, has told us nothing. plus, afghanistan is turning out like iraq did. where is your heart? &, before long we are going to have to have troops on the borders for mexico & we will get drawn into the fighting in the mountains overseas where we think obama is.

obama, have you told the american people what it will cost them per house-hold to convert to wind or solar? why not? there are figures out there & you have not mentioned any of them, even for a 1-story 1-bedroom home. did you also tell them that the poles & lines might run right through their backyard & that they will have no say in the matter? what did you say? i didn't hear you.

obama, you want americans to support your budget & yet, nothing you have signed into law has worked. why should they trust you now? in fact, you'd rather spend our money overseas on abortions then spend it here on our veterans---sadly & truthfully, that's sad-assed thinking. & even more so when you campaigned on behalf of small businesses & have done very little to help them.

obama, have you told america that your 'carbon tax' or 'cap & trade tax' will ruin most small businesses? why not? yet, you were so quick to jump in front of the camera & take credit for the 25 cadets hired in ohio. be honest with my country.

obama, have you told america that charities are really starting to feel your stupid intentions? why are you so quiet on this subject? I mean, you said you want to raise the tax on the wealthy & restrict what they can write off &, you want to raise the tax on small businesses---why not man up & tell the people that needy charities are hurting because of your plans?

obama, i could go & on, but, hopefully, you got the message. &, if your staff is going through 40,000 letters a day & you only respond to 10 of them to get a cross-view of america, you are full of crap. did you get my letter & if not, why not &, if so, are you man enough to respond to it in public?-----I THOUGHT NOT.

obama, it's a lovely thing to be able to read but, if everytime you have to say something to the american people it has to be tele-prompted, you must not know the subject. YEAH, I KNOW. IT MAKES YOU LOOK GOOD-YEAH, RIGHT.

obama, did you tell america how much it will cost those that lost their jobs to retain their health insurance under your plans? about $1000 per month. & yet, i have people telling me that this is such a great've got them blinded also. how can you be on unemployment compensation, pay your rent &/or mortgage & your other bills & then, afford an extra $1000 per month for health coverage? (i've got conflicting numbers here but, i think the national figure comes closer to $1,200.)---but, after all, what do i know? i know that when you're receiving unemployment compensation, you are taking home less then when you were working---(you lose about 1/3 at least)---that's a fact that seems to be getting lost in the argument for your plan.

obama, did you tell the american people that you not only signed executive orders in favor of unionized labor but, that you support legislation (which is already floating aroung congress) which will do away with the secret ballot allowing unions to spring up everywhere more easily?

obama, did you tell the american people that those doing work throuth your infrastructure bill, will be paid the same as unionized workers for that area?

obama, it's called trust & you are losing that with the america people-i don't need a survey, i have the people all around me voicing their opinions.


for someone who talks as well & as much as you do, you really don't say a lot, do you? especially when there is so much out there to talk about. i didn't vote for you because I know more about bin laden then i do you &, i didn't trust you. THANK YOU FOR CONFIRMING MY SKEPTICISM ABOUT YOU.