Friday, June 8, 2012


hello america!!! as usual, obama opens his mouth & a lot of people believe what comes out of it. i do quite a bit of research on what obama says. he's trying to leave you with the impression that we have a 'do nothing' congress &, the fact is (& obama knows this), we have a 'do nothing' senate. however, rather then point the finger at his own party, the dems, he rather paint a nasty picture of the circumstances & blame the repubs. but don't take my word for it, go to the following link, pick one & then call a dem senator or obama & ask them what's the hold-up.....
these 27 house of rep bills cleared the house & have been waiting for the dem controlled senate to act on them however, senate majority leader, harry reid, won't bring them to the floor.

i know a lot of you get up early for work, go through your day, return home only to put in some more work raising your children, unwind, go to bed & do it all over tomorrow. i can understand your not having as much time as i, or others, have to dig under the days headlines &, i think i've become quite good at it. i won't & don't give you 'wrong' information. i can back up my facts. so, when i tell you, obama is a liar, i can prove it.

we don't need more gov't yet, all of obamas comments concern teacher's, firemen &, policemen---all gov't jobs. yes, they are vital to our society however, each individual state & city have to come up with ways to afford them, not our federal gov't. for too long, we have allowed our city & state gov't to spend our money as they see fit &, it has caught up with all of them. the state of wisconsin realized this & gov walker did what he had to do & he did.

we cannot sustain giving our public, unionized employees the same benefits that they were receiving years ago. we just don't have the money. if those workers won't pay more for their own benefits, i.e; healthcare & pension plans, we have a problem &, it's not going away. obama is always talking about 'fairness' but you have never heard him say, that teacher should have to pay for her healthcare the same as that burger-flipper at burger king...

obama promised that 90% of his stimulus was to go to small business's---yeah, go ahead, you can call him a liar to...


hello america!!! it's one thing for our congress to be caught up in gridlock however, it's another thing when the cia & justice department get in the same act...see here...
the only reasoning that one can come up with for the non-support of the 2 agency's in an investigation of the leaks is, the top told them not to......&, you know who's at the top...........

in a nut shell, the leaks have to be coming from obama &, the cia & justice department are going to try & protect him...however, when you have both the dems & repubs screeming for blood, nothing good can come out of this for obama.

somebody has to be leaking the secrets with the backing & knowledge of obama or, he would be leading the charge for the investigations.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....   &, for those of you in allentown pa that think it can't happen to you, the following link is in our backyard.......see here......
again, the layoffs, bankruptcy's & closing's continue & again, obama continues to blame pres bush & congress. good people, if obamas stimulus had worked, i would happily be writing about there being more jobs then people; i'd be writing about the banks hiring more people to give out loans; i'd be writing about more people fixing up their homes instead of losing them; i'd be writing about the states lowering taxes instead of all the layoffs & cuts in services:::::you do the math........

obama, some secrets we should never expose & here's another one. before the navy could put this weapon on public display, the approval had  to come from the top &, that would be obama. it's a message to our ally's & enemy's however, it should have remain secret until we had them install on several ship, etc...see here---
& obama, you should have kept this under wraps until it was fully developed & deployed.

we announce our plans & secrets & things have a way of going the wrong way under obama 'so-called leadership' in point, sec of defense (last saturday) said we would have 60% of our ships in the aisa-pacific (which should never have been said) & russia & china respond this way---see here-----

america, i can't speak for you but i will speak for myself:::i didn't trust obamas 'commander-in-chiefs' ability before he was elected &, i have more reasons now to trust him even less...& more so because of his comment to his russian counterpart-----see here----

obama has shown that he will not act decisively or quickly & that is not good for the defense or offense of this great nation........if he really wanted to show he had a pair on those man-things, he should have went to congres & said look guys, i want to use our bunker-buster on iran. i will give them 6 hours to get their people out of the way & after that, we're going to see just how good these bombs are....obama knew what they were doing & where they were doing it at &, DID NOTHING BUT POSTURE...going in there with a bomb would have caused everybody to run around & point fingers &, do a lot of yelling but, that's all that would have happened...the message would have been felt around the world...WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY.