Wednesday, September 12, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    regardless of what you hear, layoffs & closings are really getting out of hand. they seem to be increasing &, there's no ending in sight. if it continues as it is, new jobs will not be able to keep pace with the loss of jobs.

fiat, which now own chrysler, is having plenty of its own problems in italy...see here...

&, that goes hand in hand with this...

what bothers me the most is; obama & company are not honest about just how bad things really are in the jobs market...


hello america!!! you can dress the following article up any way you wish to but, the middle class is really taking a beating all across the board...

while obama touts what he would like to do for the middle class, his actions have not helped them; in fact, they are not only losing jobs, they're also losing money with the jobs they do manage to keep.

whether you support obama or not, starting in 2008, he always talked about helping the 'middle class' & now, 4 years later, i have to ask, just how has he helped the middle class? they're still losing their homes; they're still losing their jobs (&, the jobs they do manage to get are underpaying); &, the banks still are not loaning them money...&, before we go any further: healthcare costs have gone up; teachers, firemen & police were losing their jobs before obamas stimulus was passed & they've been losing them ever since. obama did bailout gm & chrysler (which was sold to a foreign car company, fiat). obama has backed gm's $40,000 chevy volt with $7,500 tax break however, he's the only one buying them...

america, there's something wrong with this picture. obama took our money to bailout gm; gives a $7,500 for an over-priced car most americans do not want; then buys the same car with our money. in the meantime, we still own about 26% of gm & their stock is dropping......

by the way, there's this...

good people, contrary to what obama said, if gm had of entered into bankruptcy on its own, do you think it would have just disappeared as some want you to believe? just look at ford.

for someone that really wants to help the middle class, where were his comments on the dismal jobs numbers
&, our ever-growing national debt. oh, sorry, obama did say he would use the money we'll save when the wars end---what he didn't tell you is: we borrowed the money for those wars & there will be no savings for him to reach into...we just won't have to borrow anymore for the war.


hello america!!! we just can't afford any more job losses for any reason. something must be done to keep company's from closing. &, with that said, i realize not every job loss is obamas fault nor is every job created his success however, they're both occurring on his watch & both have to be attached to his name & policy', it goes without saying, the following is also on obamas watch &, it's another big one...600 store closures by early 2013...

spin it anyway you want but many, many people will be out of work which has a domino effect: it effects the business's that supply the goods & services for all the fashion bugs; it effects where these now unemployed people will not be shopping at; it effects the states & city's revenue intake thus adding to their already overwhelming burdens---that lost revenue effects how the states provide services & paychecks. it also adds, for those now unemployed, concerns about mortgages/rents, every day bills, healthcare costs & car payments, etc.......

to not put the blame on obama is foolish because if his stimulus had of really worked, we would not have all these business's closing because, more americans would be working & spending their money in these stores.

furthermore, for obama to say 'we're heading in the right direction' is telling me he doesn't even have a full grasp of the real's like telling your wife that you're about to lose the car, house & your job however, you found $20 on the ground so, you're heading in the right direction......


hello america!!! i am so glad that obama said our state department & foreign policy's are doing okay. i mean, i was really beginning to get worried that everything outside of our borders was starting to unravel. obamas words so un-reassured me that i likened them to somebody telling me that jumping in the river won't get me wet....

while i've posted about the negativity's with our foreign policy & state department previously, the attacks on our embassy's in lybia & cairo have re-triggered the warning bells. &, obama & company cannot say anything like, 'the death of one american is worth the freedom for the arab masses' because it flies in the face of being against 'water boarding' while outright murder is okay. confusing? yes it is....because you have this...
& this...
then this...

obama can say whatever he wishes to however, just look around the world & tell me where we have made a difference? where have we been a deterrent? where have our policy's actually worked? iraq & afghanistan are both lost causes; north korea & iran don't fear us & they have the support of china & russia; russia & china have become a 'team' that opposes us; africa is still killing its own; syria is hellbent on retaining its power & they have the support of russia; cuba is still cuba & may allow russia to build a naval base there; we have thrown israel to the wolves; we are telling europe how to fix their economically problems while we can't fix our own; obama apologizes for america & submissively bows to foreign leaders; obama has also lost his respect with arab leaders with his supporting 'same sex marriages'; we have said the hell with canada; we're still having major problems with our mexican border; despite the promises from obama, haiti is still in dire need of help; pakistan is not our friend; obama & company say we have broken the back of al-quada & yet, they are just as dangerous today as when obama was sworn in; obama strongly supported the arab spring & you now see where that has gotten us; so, while i'm positive that we must have done some good out there, i just wish somebody would point it out to me......


hello america!!! i guess you know that i'm against the strike by the teachers in chicago. you should also know that this is the very same overburdened system obama wants to hire more teachers & other public sector workers for. those are his words & his vision for our next 4 years. it doesn't matter that just about every one of our states is already in the deep red, obamas answer is to pile more debt on them with unionized labor.

the reasons for the strike have nothing to do with the students needs...the teachers are demanding a 35% raise, more healthcare contributions from the gov't, easier tenure &, less teacher performance evaluations. so, who suffers? the students that aren't being educated because of greed; the parents that now must work out other ways to provide 'babysitting' or take time off of work; the school bus drivers & the services sector that provide services to the schools; the business's in the school areas...the list goes on.

now, one might argue that this is why obama wants to dump more money into the education system & yet, obama & company won't even touch this issue however, the romney/ryan ticket will...
see here...

i am hoping the mayor rahm emanuel can find a way to file for bankruptcy, disband the teachers union & start all over.......

by the way, it's been reported that the chicago teachers are the highest paid within our borders &, just so you'll know, don't look for obama to show up with those soft pair of shoes on to march with the teachers---just like he didn't march with the unions in wisconsin-----says a lot about keeping his word to america......

oh, one more thing, the teachers slogan is: "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS"


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    &, there is an update about walgreens...instead of closing just 24 stores, they've upped it to 76 stores by november. our jobs market is taking a beating & obama & company have no answers except to point fingers...why don't they point the fingers at the dem controlled senate &, here's why...    how come obama never mentioned this? how come the media is so quiet on this?

this is obamas neck of the woods;

it's also where (chicago) the highest paid teachers in the country want a 35% raise, more contributions to their healthcare packages &, they're fighting against 'teacher performance tests............

good people, the caption reads: "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS"!!!

the whitehouse isn't even going to touch this because it would pit abama against his former chief-of-staff, mayor rahm emanuel against the union.....

the day before the dismal august jobs numbers were revealed, obama knew about them & said nothing. however, his vp, joe biden said, 'we are turning the corner'