Wednesday, September 12, 2012


hello america!!! we just can't afford any more job losses for any reason. something must be done to keep company's from closing. &, with that said, i realize not every job loss is obamas fault nor is every job created his success however, they're both occurring on his watch & both have to be attached to his name & policy', it goes without saying, the following is also on obamas watch &, it's another big one...600 store closures by early 2013...

spin it anyway you want but many, many people will be out of work which has a domino effect: it effects the business's that supply the goods & services for all the fashion bugs; it effects where these now unemployed people will not be shopping at; it effects the states & city's revenue intake thus adding to their already overwhelming burdens---that lost revenue effects how the states provide services & paychecks. it also adds, for those now unemployed, concerns about mortgages/rents, every day bills, healthcare costs & car payments, etc.......

to not put the blame on obama is foolish because if his stimulus had of really worked, we would not have all these business's closing because, more americans would be working & spending their money in these stores.

furthermore, for obama to say 'we're heading in the right direction' is telling me he doesn't even have a full grasp of the real's like telling your wife that you're about to lose the car, house & your job however, you found $20 on the ground so, you're heading in the right direction......

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