Thursday, May 12, 2011


hello america!!! i said from the very beginning that obama was the wrong person to keep america safe & the following is just a little more proof of that.

can you remember when obama had all those 'party crashers' at his event that were not invited---at the white house of all places. this alone is proof that he can't even keep himself or family safe let alone us.

obama could have & should have handled the bin laden saga a lot more differently then he did. he was so quick to jump in front of the cameras & take credit for bin ladens death that he failed to think of the dire consequences in running his mouth.

firstly, he alerted the enemy that we had obtained a lot of info about their ways from what was found in the compound. this should never have been made public. we should have been able to secretly use that info to capture & or kill those we have been looking for. by running his mouth, the enemy will go into hiding while still trying to carry out their ill wishes towards us.

everyone in obamas administration seems to have something different to say everyday. he can't even keep his own people on the same page. & then, they ask where the leak is coming from. how stupid does obama think we are (actually, pretty stupid-we elected him although i voted for mccain)? the leaks are coming from obama & his people & they are intentional. you don't see the military, the cia, or the special forces in front of the cameras describing what they did---no, those people you see in front of the cameras are obama & his people. obamas the one that went to the navy seals home base to give them praise for their mission.

america, obama could have released the photos of bin laden with a lot less fanfare then what he's doing now. he is deliberately trying to keep or focus from our country's number one problem---JOBS...


hello america!!! today i want to talk about several issues: the job market, unions, leadership, photo-ops, & whatever...again, there is no certain order to this so, please bear with me.........

can you recall obama visiting the areas plagued by the tornadoes? with all the damage & loss of lives you'd think he'd show up & say something on behalf of the victims, their families, & the devastating, not obama----he's too busy campaigning.

on the same note, mississippi, tenn &, louisiana are all in dire need of help because of all the flooding & obama doesn't have the time to show up there & offer them all the american know-how to try & save their towns & lives. however, it's to my understanding that obama signed disaster declaration today.

america, can you imagine going to micky d's if they were unionized? their famous french fries would cost you about four bucks for a small order. their dollar menu would have to increase by three bucks making it a four dollar menu. let's not mince words---obama is pro-union & anti non-union. there's no other way to put it & there's no other way to explain obamas pro-unions action & support. now, if i were to tell you that the private industry is the engine that drives america, what would you say if i gave all my support in favor of the unions? obama wants & needs the support of the unions & the hispanic vote to be re-elected...look at what he's promising them (i can only wonder what the elected hispanic people feel now after giving obama their vote for his obamacare bill with the promise that immigration was next on his to-do list---it wasn't & it's not). speaking of obamacare---america, if this obamacare were so drastically important for us, why has obama given all these waivers to the unions? there is something very wrong with picture...obama said we "needed" this bill for all americans & now, to have certain groups exempt from it makes me wonder just how good this bill really is---& then again, maybe the groups he's giving it to aren't all that 'american'...unions are not good for us at this time---they want more money & benefits but, they don't want to do more for them---in fact, they want to do less. if someone were to make a graph on which companies got bailed out against those that didn't, i'd bet the ratio would be something like 98% unionized verses 2% non-unionized. with all the money that obama has given the education field, you'd think we'd have the smartest kids in the universe but-(news flash)-american students are not the smartest. compared to all the money that is given to educating americans, we show very little for our bucks. simply put, if the schools & the teachers are sub-par, they need to go. what's so hard about that? if i'm painting your house & dripping paint everywhere & not painting it correctly, you'd fire me & hire someone that could do the job right & that's the bottom line. now don't get me wrong---we do have some of the best teachers in the world as well as having some of the best schools in the world. however, we have far more that are sub-par & we, as taxpayers, continue to pay them. WHY? why should a school or a teacher continue to be paid when the student 'graduates' on level far inferior to the level they should be on? obama bailed out all those unionized companies that were too big to be allowed to fail---he should have left them alone so that they could turn themselves around or is the greatest example of why companies should be left alone---they're doing very well. oh, name me a unionized company that doesn't raise their prices & pass those prices on to us? i'm listening!!!

obama just finishing telling a group of workers in texas how well our job growth was doing---he neglected to tell them that our unemployment rate had just risen to 9% &, he didn't wait for the first week of may's job report which listed 434,000 new job claims...i don't know where obama is getting his figures from or what he's doing after he gets them but, the bottom line is, he's done nothing proof-positive to help americans obtain & or keep jobs. but, he's a great teleprompter reader & it all sounds good until the facts hit you in the face. companies are continuing to lay off workers & with the problems due to the flooding, a lot more of americans are going to lose their jobs. we have a jobs problem & obama hasn't offered us any hope for the future---where is his blue-print for getting us out of the same situation he "inherited" 2 plus years ago?

obama does not display leadership qualities...he follows & then flip-flops. when north korea was sending up their missiles, obama said "our words must mean more then words"....& yet, his words lacked sincerity. he couldn't stop russia from helping iran do their nuclear thing; he can't stop china from helping pakistan; nor has he done anything to limit the human-rights violations in any country & i can name them all. on the other hand, he's so quick to "bow" to foreign dignitaries & then deny it. obama is not a leader & since his being elected to office, he has proven this time & time again.