Friday, October 16, 2015


hello america!!! i was very recently asked my for my opinion concerning hillary clinton's qualifications for the office of president of our united states of this america &, here's my honest response...

she's a true american & of age & that alone makes her qualified PERIOD...

however, there is a lot more to her being non-qualified that's of more concern to me...

firstly, when a husband is caught having a sexual affair (of any kind) outside of his marriage, chances are, it wasn't his first time nor do i believe it will be his last---if his wife is willing to accept his apology, that's up to her but, she should be the last person calling for female equality---she should also be the last person doing any business (for any reason) with countries that refuse to grant women any rights nor, should she have friends from those countries---this makes her deceptive & hypocritical...

as our first lady, what did she accomplish of note??? fear not, i'll wait for that answer...

as sec of state she accomplished nothing note-worthy but, she did log a lot of miles & danced with some african children---she failed to reset her russian reset button; she failed to foresee russia & china as our enemies & thus, we were not prepared to counter any of the actions they have taken to assume worldly control; she failed to put iran & north korea in check & they (both) continue to defy us & our threats; she failed to bring about peace in any of the warring african nations; she failed to bring israel & its enemies to the peace-table; she failed to establish a workable middle east policy & blindly supported obama & his agendas; she failed to recognize isis for what it was/is/will be & thus, allowed them to grow into a power; she refused to accept phone calls from muammar qaddaif's son (saif) (& directed others not to accept them) that could have led to peace-talks prior to our bombing lybia; she blatantly refused to provide enough protection for our people in lybia (which led to their deaths which she helped blame on a video); her actions (actually her non-actions) aided the arab spring which we all now know was/is/will be a complete disaster; she failed to stem the influx of illegal aliens crossing our southern border; she used her own private server to conduct gov't business & she decided what emails she would or would not present to our congress; now she wants to distance herself from some of obamas policies that she never objected to before---yes, i'm more than positive that i'm failing to mention other negative issues with her time as our sec of state...

after (what will soon be) 8 years under obama, my great country deserves better & hillary is not the person that can make it better...


hello america!!! when obama & company crammed obamacare down our throats, they did so saying it was necessary so as to insure the uninsured (approx 40 million at the time)...the law was a sham from the very beginning &, what all those opposed to it said has become truth--- would not insure all the uninsured would cost a hell of a lot more than predicted would close businesses & cost us jobs
4.....costs would rise & it would become unaffordable would revolutionize the healthcare industry in a negative way would not be able to keep your own doctor &/or network

good people, these are but a few of the many problems still plaguing obamacare & now, we have this CLICK HERE...

obama doesn't want it for his family or friends; the dems that passed the bill don't want it for themselves, family or friends; the unions that went out of their way to support it want no part of it; the average american on it is finding out that the deductibles are impossible & it is costing more (premiums have increased & will continue to rise)...

LOOK, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think that obamacare was/is/will be the answer to our healthcare needs---some of you (probably most of you) will find it's not anything like it's cracked up to be
&, it will cost you more...

obama & company refuse to give out the exact numbers on how many have signed up for it which tells you it is not as successful as they proclaim it to be---don't forget THESE ACTIONS...when all the delays & suspensions expire, you are going to be confronted with the truth about obamacare & you're not going to like it...


hello america!!! it pisses me off that our extremely liberal gov't can do the following::::

1...want to raise the minimum wage scale for financial equality for women
3...give our money to other countries
4...waste our money on stupid, non-workable projects & gov't studies
5...use our money for expensive parties & get-aways
6...use our money to support those living here illegally
this list is by no means inclusive...

BUT, they can't find a way to give its seniors & vets a paltry cola increase & blame lower oil prices as the reason why...