Wednesday, June 13, 2018


hello america!!! i find it amazing that (suddenly) we have so many experts (both on the left & right) concerning the usa/nk summit & yet, not a one of them ever foresaw it coming---actually, many of those 'so-called' experts predicted it wouldn't happen because of donald trump's brash rhetoric & political inexperience---so much for the experts...

the media has been pulling people out of the wood-work to give you their opinions on what the trumpster should & shouldn't do/what he should & shouldn't say/what he should & shouldn't demand---my question is this, where were all of these assholes for clinton, both bush's & obama??? personally, i wish they all would fade back into the wood-work & quietly remain there because all of their commentary is based on what used to be & not on the power of trump, PERIOD!!!

good people, the trumpster is a far more different kind of politician than we've ever had---he speaks his mind & backs it up with action with little regard to those his rhetoric may offend &, for the record, that includes myself---i sometimes find myself wishing he had reworded what he had said...

hell, it's more about what he says rather than how he actual says it but, the 'almigthypress' have no problem with truncating his sentences so as to portray them in the most darkest & most negative manner possible...

america, regardless of all the vile labels that have been attributed to the trumpster, he's doing an amazing job & hey, he's only been doing it for a short amount of time (just over 500 days) &, from what all he's been able to accomplish despite all the 'opposition' (to include the rino's within the repub party), the dems, the media &  the 'established repubs' have every reason to fear him (although, that they will never admit to but, just look at all of their 'anti-trump' actions & rhetoric)...

the trumpster is a threat to the 'status quo' of politicians because he is a doer & not one to sit around & talk about the doing---if you've been paying attention, he's actually getting things done & that is why they fear him---how dare a 'newcomer' enter their club-house & disrupt the way they've been not-doing-their-jobs & then, tweet about it...

the trumpster has proved that the way congress conducts it business is extremely flawed---it's extremely slow, & repetitive &, the typical results do not bode well for our country---look, if it's good for the majority of our country, all sides need to get together & support it---nothing more/nothing less---besides, which politician could actually look somebody in the eye & tell them the following---
1.....being able to keep more of your own earned money is a bad thing!!!
2.....being able to find a job in a jobs market that's over-flooded with openings is a bad thing!!!
3.....being able to live in a community free of drugs, gangs & violence is a bad thing!!!
4.....being able to live in a country that has much fairer trades deals is a bad thing!
5.....being able to live in a country where our gov't knows every foreigner entering our country & what their intentions are is a bad thing!!!
6.....being able to live in a country where you can take your child out of an under-performing school & enroll them in school of your choice is a bad thing!!!
7.....being able to live in a country that has the best trained & equipped military in the world ready & willing to protect our homeland, our allies &, our foreign interests is bad thing!!!
8.....being able to live in a country where nobody is above the law is a bad thing!!!
9.....being able to live in a country that puts american people & american interests first!!!
10...being able to live in a country whose economy is the best it's ever been & getting better is a bad thing!!!
11...being able to live in a country whose president actually does what he campaigned on doing is a bad thing!!!

look, let's keep it real---we all could add more to the list of the trumpsters accomplishments but, i'm hoping you got the point---the media, dems & rino's are all 'anti-trump' regardless of how it may benefit america & we need to vote them all out of office...

north korea has been a big problem since the korean war & nobody prior to the trumpster was able to bring them to the table for any reason---trump has done just that (in spite of all the opposition) & seemingly, north korea will get rid of whatever nukes it may have---is that such a bad thing???

the media, the dems, the rino's &, everybody else need to support the trumpster because what he is accomplishing & trying to accomplish is good for all of us...