Thursday, August 9, 2012


hello america!!! can you remember these promises made by obama that have not been kept?????????
1.....transparency---failed & honest gov't---failed
3.....hiring lobbyists---failed
4.....cutting our deficit in 1/2 within 3 years---failed
5.....reforming our entitlements programs---failed
6.....reforming our immigration policy's---failed
7.....reaching across the isle---failed
8.....uniting america as a party of one---failed
9.....honor & obey the laws & constitution of the united states of america---failed
10...hope & change---failed
11...putting on a comfortable pair of shoes & walking with the unions---failed
12...reforming our tax policy's---failed
13...creating jobs---1/2 failed
14...keeping people in their homes---failed
15...allowing banks to make loans---failed
16...stop 'negative' campaigning---failed
17...getting rid of the programs that don't work---failed
18...close gitmo---failed
19...not raise taxes on the middle class---failed
20...keep america strong---failed
21...lower gov't spending---failed
22...decrease our dependency on foreign oil---failed
23...create millions of 'green' jobs---failed
24...move america forward in 'green' technology---failed
25...not sign bills with 'pork' in them---failed

if you didn't know this then, you know this now: obama does not keep his word. &, what's worse, he lies to all of america...cases in point: his stimulus did not do as it was designed to do nor did it do what he first said it would do &, that is why he kept changing the terminology...from create-to create & save-to keeping us from falling over the cliff; states continued to lose teachers, firemen & policemen; people lost their homes; 90% of the jobs created with the stimulus did not go to private sector; banks didn't make loans; & jobs were still can obama tout his stimulus as a success & then turn around & say that if he's re-elected, he will have to do the same thing to 'save' us?

obamacare is still very contentious & has yet to be fully implemented however, the following is known: costs are rising; doctors are joining hospitals; business's are dropping coverage; states are not opting in for it; religious & moral concerns abound because of it; colleges are dropping coverage; the mandate has been deemed a 'tax'; there are 21 different 'taxes' in obamacare &, some of them will be passed down to the middle class...for obama to claim obamacare as a success is a very long stretch when people are already forced to pay more & find other doctors.

yes, i could add more but, you get the point. promises made & not kept = lies!!! if you were running for a public office, wouldn't you be talking about anything else but your lies????????


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   the job losses continue despite obama touting his stimulus & obamacare as a success &, that is why he is so desperately attacking gov mitt romney because it keeps us from talking about the extremely dismal job he has done since being sworn in.

obama boxed himself in a corner when he attacked gov romney about loss of jobs & outsourcing them. however, obama is so willing to take full credit for every single job created since his swearing in & yet, he blames everyone & everything else for each & every job loss during that same period.

it's time for america to stand up & demand honest answers from obama on why our economy is doing so poorly after 3 1/2 years under him. he ran for this job on his own & told all of america that he was the only one that could fix our problems plus, he hired the 'smartest' people on the planet to help him. well, you see where we're at now or, better yet, you see where we aren't...

no matter how you slice it, we are not better off now then we were 3 1/2 years ago; in fact, we're actually worse off: since obama took office, we are down 500,000 plus jobs; our national unemployment rate is now 8.3% &, obama had promised it would not go above 8%; regulations, obamacare & tax uncertainty's have created a very unstable hiring market.

america, november is right around the corner & obama is depending on you & the media to focus on gov mitt romney & not his 3 1/2 year record. he puts numbers out there but here, you can see the real numbers from '' for yourselves...

the 'real' obama is coming out & his negative campaign ads prove he is not who you thought he was. he never 'was' for the betterment of america &, if you really look at the only job he had before public office, you'll have to agree. you just can't sue & force banks to make sub-prime loans & then when the housing market collapses, blame every body else---good people, just google 'obama sued citibank' & you'll see for yourselves...i don't just make this stuff up.

america, you should be demanding answers from obama & not settling on what he wants you to hear. if he could not turn our economy around in 4 years, why should we believe he can do it with another 4 years? what is he bringing to the table after the next election that will change our direction? in truth, obama gave it his best shot & it was not & is not good enough..........

if obama was serious about even attempting to turn our economy around, he would suspend some of his regulations; open up more drilling on fed lands; approve the keystone pipeline; offer more incentives for business's to hire; fight not to raise taxes on anybody for the next 2 years; fight for more american unity instead of division; make america a more 'business friendly' country; fight for a fairer imports vs exports;
seriously address our entitlements programs; consolidate the fed gov't; revamp the entire tax code; follow the advice of his jobs council; &, although there other things he could be doing, the most important one is, he needs to go before america, without teleprompters, & apologize for all of his failures & accept blame...

america, you need to vote with your mind & not your heart...obama has less then 90 days to act however, he's going to be too busy campaigning to do anything useful for this country except talk---don't you deserve more then words???