Thursday, August 9, 2012


hello america!!! can you remember these promises made by obama that have not been kept?????????
1.....transparency---failed & honest gov't---failed
3.....hiring lobbyists---failed
4.....cutting our deficit in 1/2 within 3 years---failed
5.....reforming our entitlements programs---failed
6.....reforming our immigration policy's---failed
7.....reaching across the isle---failed
8.....uniting america as a party of one---failed
9.....honor & obey the laws & constitution of the united states of america---failed
10...hope & change---failed
11...putting on a comfortable pair of shoes & walking with the unions---failed
12...reforming our tax policy's---failed
13...creating jobs---1/2 failed
14...keeping people in their homes---failed
15...allowing banks to make loans---failed
16...stop 'negative' campaigning---failed
17...getting rid of the programs that don't work---failed
18...close gitmo---failed
19...not raise taxes on the middle class---failed
20...keep america strong---failed
21...lower gov't spending---failed
22...decrease our dependency on foreign oil---failed
23...create millions of 'green' jobs---failed
24...move america forward in 'green' technology---failed
25...not sign bills with 'pork' in them---failed

if you didn't know this then, you know this now: obama does not keep his word. &, what's worse, he lies to all of america...cases in point: his stimulus did not do as it was designed to do nor did it do what he first said it would do &, that is why he kept changing the terminology...from create-to create & save-to keeping us from falling over the cliff; states continued to lose teachers, firemen & policemen; people lost their homes; 90% of the jobs created with the stimulus did not go to private sector; banks didn't make loans; & jobs were still can obama tout his stimulus as a success & then turn around & say that if he's re-elected, he will have to do the same thing to 'save' us?

obamacare is still very contentious & has yet to be fully implemented however, the following is known: costs are rising; doctors are joining hospitals; business's are dropping coverage; states are not opting in for it; religious & moral concerns abound because of it; colleges are dropping coverage; the mandate has been deemed a 'tax'; there are 21 different 'taxes' in obamacare &, some of them will be passed down to the middle class...for obama to claim obamacare as a success is a very long stretch when people are already forced to pay more & find other doctors.

yes, i could add more but, you get the point. promises made & not kept = lies!!! if you were running for a public office, wouldn't you be talking about anything else but your lies????????

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