Monday, July 2, 2012


hello america!!! obama may run from discussing the economy but, he can't hide from it...he was so quick to gloat about the manufacturing sector doing so well & now, since it isn't, he's not man enough to even bring it up.......    in an un-amusing way, i can almost accept why he doesn't talk about it:::after all, it is a part of his continued failing stimulus......HE TOOK CREDIT FOR IT WHEN IT WAS DOING GOOD & HE MUST BE GIVEN THE SAME CREDIT FOR IT NOW THAT IT'S DOING BADLY!!! 

i refuse to believe that anyone that attended harvard (or just passed by their doors on their way to work) would not know the definition of the word 'stimulus'. obamas stimulus did not 'stimulate' &, the jobs numbers reflect that failure the best. &, to bring it up front & personal, here's caterpillar---you know, that company that obama told you his stimulus was going to help.....

this strike is going on 3 months & obama somehow has failed to mention it in his speeches about how successful his stimulus was. while i feel for those 'striker's' out of work they left their jobs on a voluntary basis & that's on them. i do know some states will not allow them to collect unemployment comp for that very reason &, if they are only receiving $150.00 per week, what happened to all the money their union has collected?

anyhow, it seems like union labor contracts are at the heart of company's, states &, city's fiscal problems with healthcare costs & pensions being the main culprits. &, pure common, american sense says: stimulating company's, states &, city's with money cannot & will not work until the underlying problems are solved. yes, obama could dump more fed dollars in caterpillar however, when the money runs out, the covered over problems just resurface. that's one of the problems with our postal system---too much money was dumped into it...& they, like others, have to downsize, rework the union contracts while realistically addressing healthcare costs & pension plans...greed, mismanagement of funds, over-spending & needless spending are also part of the problems........

no company, state or, city can withstand the combined problems of today without addressing the old problems of yesterday that have led up to where now we are. more stimulus is not the answer so, 4 more years of obamas previous 4 will leave us even more hurting then we presently are. how can you want to dump more union contracts on our states, city's & company's that are already so overwhelmed by what they have they can't pay all their bills???

so, obama, even when you were campaigning for your stimulus...see here...
& just the opposite the day after you left..

even jc penny is caught up in the mess...

obama, you just can't put band-aid on a cracked wall at the hoover dam & tell everybody it worked...nor can you continue to put band-aids on've got to actually patch the crack so that it will hold & you just don't know how to do that.........


hello america!!! obama, why don't you take a group of people (on air force 1) & 'preach' your same-sex feelings to a muslim controlled country? better yet, take them to spain & let them loose in the streets to drum up support for you & your feelings................

surely, it will be good for your ratings because it would show your supporters that you believe what you say. or, do mean to tell me that there are more country's that don't & won't accept your views? i just can't understand your why you would tell the world about your 'evolved' feelings & not say anything to the country's that don't share them...........


hello america!!! civil rights leader's have come out in numbers supporting obamas decision to use his 'executive privilege' in favor of 'illegal immigrants' within our borders &, that's their right however, why can't they all get together & have those massive news conferences about the daily lives lost within the black & latino community's. you only hear or see these 'leader's' when there's a 'big' story. they should be on national tv daily calling for our people of color to stop the violence committed among their own people...

anyhow, i wonder where they stand on this because it seems, the latino kind of got messed over????????

things that make you go HMMM!!!


hello america!!! obama & company says the mandate in his obamacare is a penalty, not a tax---the repubs & supreme court says it is...obama & company say it isn't & therefore, the argument is over about it so, let's move on..........not so fast bubba. obama & company don't want the word 'tax' used in reference to their mandate; they won't admit that there are 21 known taxes raises associated with obamacare; &, they will go to extremes to tell you that middle-class america will not have their 'taxes' raised because of obamacare......

okay, simple solution::::send the law back to the supreme court for re-clarification.......better yet, ask the supreme court to recall it on its own & re-argue on its own if it's a 'tax' or a 'penalty'. as is, the law stands, the obamacare mandate is a tax---if a new review deemed it a penalty, obamacare falls...

as usual, obama wants it both way & he can't have can he tell america he will respect the supreme court decision & then turn around & say that justice roberts was wrong. well, let's not split hairs....send the law back to him so he can get it right.

obama, you should be leading the charge for the law to return to the supreme court but you won't. how can a judge rewrite the law---excuse me, i thought that congress was the only branch of our gov't that was empowered with writing our laws!!! for a supreme court justice to rewrite the law so that he could vote on it (either way) is not what they are empowered to do---they are to sit & 'judge' the written law as it is presented to them &, if the law needs to be rewritten, aren't they supposed to send the law back to congress for the rewriting of it?

i am 'knowitall' & i know this:::NEITHER THE PRESIDENT OR THE SUPREME COURT CAN MAKE LAWS---EXCEPT BY USURPATIONS TOLERATED BY CONGRESS...if congress challenges the rewriting of the law by justice john roberts, the law would revert back to its 'original form' & then be rejudged by the supreme court......


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   this has been a long time coming. modern technology & those union contracts have a lot to do with loss of post office business. one can stay at home & send email letters, send pictures, buy postal stamps, schedule home pickup for bulky packages by ups---hell, it seems the post office is only good if you need a 'registered' receipt or at tax time. those lucrative 'pensions' are truly hurting them, as they are hurting the states & city's...

the post office (along with AM TRAK) need to revamp for the modern times. for that matter, so do the states & city's...they all need to figure out what they need to do individually to return to profitability without a gov't bailout.

obamas tried & failed policy's prove that 4 more years of the same is not in keeping with america's best interests.