Saturday, December 23, 2017


hello america!!! at some point in our lives we've all acted the fool but, to get arrested because of lies is just plain stupid as is the case of those arrested for protesting the passage of the new tax cuts & jobs act---good people, you can thank the dems & left-wing media for that because all they have done is speak extremely negatively about the new law to the point of calling it 'armageddon' & saying 'it would cause 13 million people to be kicked off their healthcare coverage'...

the tax cuts & jobs act facts:::
1.....we all get a new standard deduction ranging from $12,000.00 filing single) & up to $24,000.00 (filing 2-parent home with kids) both are higher than the present standard deductions of $6,500.00 (filing single) & up to $13,000.00 (filing marred couples)---that's a benefit for all...
2.....we all end up in a lower tax bracket---that's a benefit for all---the sole exception being those that make up to $9,525.00 because their bracket will remain at 10%, however, they should get a 'big refund' next year...
3....nobody is being 'kicked off' of their healthcare coverage (for all of you non-thinking people, i repeat, nobody is being 'kicked off' of their healthcare coverage)---if you're ignorant enough to just accept what dems shumer, pelosi, durbin, warren, sanders & others say, than you deserve to act up & go to jail for your stupidity---simply put, they lied to all of america (again) &, they did so knowingly & willingly &, unfortunately, you continue to believe them---WHY???
4.....the new tax law is projected to add $1.5 trilling dollars to our national debt over the course of 10 years (for you non-thinkers, that's ten years) which is something those very same aforementioned  dems fail to mention---they make it sound like it will be immediate & yet, they had no problem with 'un-patriotic & un-american' obama (his words/not mine) adding $10 trillion dollars to our national debt...
5.....some portions of the new tax law will 'sunset' (expire) in 2025 but it's expected that no congress (repub or dem) would allow that & you, the voter, will have everything to say about that...
6.....there are 'credits' written into the new tax law to help single parents with children as well as 2-parent homes with children...
7.....80% plus of our taxpayers are expected to receive some form of benefit from the new tax law...

there are estimates that as many as 13 million people may CHOOSE not to continue their healthcare coverage between now & 2027 because the new tax law guts the obamacare individual mandate---that's it folks, nothing more/nothing less---& yet, the dem talking heads deliberately took that to another level (a lie) to spin their narrative that whatever the repubs & trump do is bad for america---but, rather than believe me, try reaching out to one of your dem elected officials & ask them where it's written that 13 million people will be kicked off of their healthcare coverage because of the new tax law---please, listen to their response very carefully because they'll beat around the bush because it's not TRUE---all of those presently covered will retain that coverage with the new tax law unless they (& only they) choose not to be covered...but why listen to me, read it for yourselves HERE...

look, let's keep it real---we expect our children to do their own homework & yet, most of you refuse to lead by example---with today's technology, there's no excuse for your not looking up the new tax law & finding out if it benefits you or not & hey, you would have found that out within 3 minutes of your researching it...

cnn has this handy calculator to actually help you figure out where you stand---CLICK HERE... lists the old & new tax brackets HERE...

this comes from & may help you even more---CLICK HERE...

america, an uninformed mind is a mind looking for somebody to lead it & hey, if you continue to allow the dems to lead you, you'll always get what you always got & i can't remember too many of you being happy with the dem leadership under obama...

& please, remember this---the dems (no matter what) cannot afford for trump & the repubs to continue to be successful in restoring america to her greatness---so, all-in-all, be prepared to hear more deliberate lies, fear tactics, race-baiting & trump-bashing from the dems as other bills are presented in our congress...