Sunday, May 27, 2012


hello america!!! regardless of which side of the fence you're on about 'same sex marriage', obamas embracing it for all the world to see has hurt us on a foreign level none of you even think about. do you mean to tell me that muslim controlled country's will now see him as a 'strong' person or, their equal? are you going to even attempt to tell me that the heads of russia & china are now going to see him as 'the man'?

our 'foreign policy' is crap---north korea & iran ignore our threats & sanctions; russia & china don't respect us & have shown the willingness to take it even furthur; libya, yemen, pakistan, iraq & afghanistan all have deep rooted muslin beliefs & we can't seem to find the right solutions to theirs & ours problems; venezuela is another animal; cuba is still up in the air; &, there are several other african/muslim country's we can add to the mix; & you already know that obama is torn between telling israel to go to hell & defending them.......

now, we sit over here & think that our way is the only way &, i'm here to tell you, that just ain't the way for a lot more people then us. while 'gay' people here may have 'rights' over here, how does obama spin those right to the muslim leaders? by the way, most muslims don't 'ACCEPT' gay people in their country's---they kill them.

while i do support 'gay' rights, i draw the line at same sex marriage however, this is america. so, i ask all of you, 'gay' or 'straight', since the world now knows how obama feels towards 'same sex mariages' how do you think he should portray himself when speaking to muslim leaders & their people...please remember, obama grew up a muslim....

&, just so you'll know, read this.....

thus, obama not only turned his back on the HOLY BIBLE, he also turned it on the HOLY QUR' AN...all for your votes.........what happens next week if one of his daughters says, 'daddy, sex between a man & a man is wrong' & he switches back to his earlier beliefs?

if the above is strictly about rights, then when your children grow up, your sons should have the right to marry your daughters, your sons should have the right to marry as many women as he chooses. where does it stop when it comes to 'rights'?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation..........

obama, once again i have to remind you why you should not have signed obamacare into law forcing medical people to digitize our medical records.....