Wednesday, October 12, 2011


hello america!!! obama promised you "change" & "transparency" &, "reaching across the isle"---perhaps this link can clarify that:::finally, thank you abc & please keep it up........

good people, if you had been following me, you'd know that obama has always surrounded himself with 'shady' people & those that 'helped' him, so the above should come as no surprise to you. what does come as a surprise is, how is he constantly is allowed to get away with it. where are the 'checks & balances'?

this 'jobs council' has suggested some changes to be made but, none of them tackled the heart of the problem which is "ENTITLEMENTS PROGRAMS". how in the name of all that is real can this be? at a time when our federal gov't is paying out the most in public welfare, the most in social security, the most in medicaid & medicare, the most in unemployment benefits, our 'entitlements programs' are ignored. &, before i go on, something 'drastic' will have to be done to our public workers contracts so that they pay their own 'fair share'.

america, i love this country & i want us to regain our 'spot' as number one but, it will never happen under obama....please bear that in mind the next time you vote......also, bear in mind that the dems are not really for you----they want to take & spend your money as they see fit & say the hell with your objections.


hello america!!! this link shows the other face of obama:::::

it's very hard to find a rational explanation for why obama is 'pushing' for the ag's to accept a deal while at the same time denigrating the "fatcats". one would think he would want the banks to pay all that they owe & not them off the hook for one penny. however, as i've been telling you from the beginning, obama is a liar.

he goes around the country telling us that the rich don't pay their fare share of taxes & that the "fatcats" are greedy & here, when he has a chance to prove what he says, he goes 'back-door' on us & puts pressure on the ag's to accept far less then they have a good shot at collecting from the banks. &, the banks are extremely happy to have obama intervening on their behalf  because they are very likely to have pay out a lot less.

based only on the above, how can one trust obama & what he tells us? &, good people, i've showed you just how much a liar he really is but, there are those of you that will not accept it. the saddest part of this is, no matter how many times obama lies to us &, no matter how much more damage he inflicts on this nation, you'll still support him. what's even sadder then that is, main-stream media will also support him & allow him & his admin to continue unchallenged>>>>


hello america!!! i know you've at least heard of the term "POLICE STATE" but, did you ever sit down & think about how it has become a 'reality' right here? yeah, i know, not here in america::::we're too smart to allow that to happen. well, i'm here to bust your bubble..........

let's take your city: you have your city's with city police, sheriffs &, state police (&, i'm glad we do have them) &, if things get out of hand, the governor has the power to call in the national guard. okay, seems simple enough but, the feds also have a big peice of the pie (the fbi, cia, homeland security, etc)...we also have: food police, water police, air & airport police, animal police, border police, train & subway police, park police, housing police, tax police, court police, tv & radio police, alcohol police, tobacco police, wall street police, school police, welfare police, soc.sec. police, fraud police &, my favorite, the 'overweight people police'...i'm sure you can add to this list but, the bottom line is, can you name anything in this great nation that is not policed? &, please remember this, one way or the other, we pay for those police.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


hello america!!! obama is a liar & fraud. i find it amazingly easy not to give any credence to what he says. we had this round of 'fatcats' before & obama never returned a penny to them &, he's not about to do so now. i stated long ago that obama was & is not to be trusted---he is extremely two-faced & his actions prove me right. check out these two links & bear in mind that obama supports the 'occupy wallstreet movement'

& here's a look at who's on obamas jobs council & what they make yearly---what a crock....

good people, if you can remember the promises obama made when he running around the country touting his stimulus & obamacare bills, ask yourself this::::are we better off now then we were before his bills became law?

how can one accept obamas word on anything when he won't even own up to his own failures? he sit's or stand in front of the cameras & blames everything that's wrong with america on pres bush, the repubs, the financial problems overseas, the earthquake & tsunami in japan.

i said it then & i'll say it again, obama is not good for this country &, before you cast your vote for him, ask yourself this:::just what has obama done for the betterment of this great nation &, if that's too hard a question, ask yourself what has he done for you....&, please remember, he had the benefit of a dem controlled house & senate in his first two years.


hello america!!! if obama had of been as serious about putting america back to work as he wants you to believe, he would have submitted a workable jobs bill 2 1/2 years ago. however, he spent that time campaigning for:::his obamcare; his stimulus, his housing market bill, his education bill; his bailing out gm & chrysler; his giving fannie mae & freddie mac access to unlimited federal funding; his cash-for-clunkers bill; his lybian war; his 'chips' bill; his unionized labor bailouts; his 'raising' our national debt limit; his stop-gap bills for our federal budget; his 'growing' the federal government; his anti-support for tea-party; his strong support for unions & his strong support for anything anti-union; his continuing refusal to take responsibility for his failures; his rejection of rep ryan's bill; his 'scare tactics'; his dividing america with his 'class-warfare' crap;
his trying to make it easier for illegal aliens to remain here; his trying to make it easier for unions to form; his making our 'epa' run around congress; his calling wallstreeters 'fatcats' & then having a dinner with them while reaching into their wallets; his closing the gulf for drilling then forcing the oil company's through all the 'red tape' to reopen; his promising brazil our dollars for their oil; his stubborn refusal to actually seal our borders; his extending unemployment compensation without mandates; his going overseas "bowing" to other leaders; his non-support of the american flag & those that died for get the point yet?

& during all of this, he told us unemployment would remain below 8%; he told us we 'needed' his obamacare & that it was affordable, & yet, please take a look at all of those that received waivers (waivers are granted because obamacare would create a 'hardship' &, if the unions can't afford it, how in the hell are you & i going to afford it?)..................

now he wants congress to pass his 'jobsbill' as is & he wrongly blaming the repubs for holding it up but, what he's not man enough to tell you is, some of his own dems don't like it as it is & won't support it. &, please remember, the repubs called for an instant vote on the bill & the dems shot it down----the dems control the senate & wouldn't even allow a vote on it but, obama still blames the repubs (go figure)---why can't obama tell us the truth & just say 'yeah, we know the repubs are against the bill but what's really holding it up is my own party & until harry reid can get them in line, there will be no vote on it'???? here's a link....

america, call me stupid but, the leader of obamas jobs council is the ceo of 'ge'. there's something very wrong with this picture because i'm asking you that the next time you go in a store that sell 'ge' supplies, pick up a package & see where they're made. &, when you do, you'll smell the same rat that i smell. if i'm not mistaking, didn't obama once tell us to 'buy america'? isn't obama the one out there preaching for the 'greening' of america? if he were honest he would be saying buy america but it's made in china....i'm posting the following just for fun because i want to know what it will lead to.......

Monday, October 10, 2011


hello america!!! when i listen to people of color attack herman cain's view on poverty in this country, i'm struck by several things::::

firstly, the people on tv talking about poverty (as it exists today) are not living at or near the poverty level--- they all seem to have rose above it &, they seem out of touch with it.

secondly, although public welfare is a necessity for too many family's, it has to be overhauled. far to many that receive it don't need it &, for others, once they get it, they stop being productive citizens.

thirdly, why doesn't the media actually interview & fully investigate someone living in poverty & then put them & their story on tv & radio?

the poor can't speak for the rich & the rich can't speak for the poor. look at it this way---a man can't fully explain the feelings of being pregnant no more then a woman can explain the feelings of a penis being caught in a zipper.

Friday, October 7, 2011

hello america!!! i very recently saw a post on my facebook page that upsets me---a young lady is going to support obama no matter what. this proves to me that she has not done her own homework on obama & what he has negatively done to our country. although i will never 'dis' anyone for who they support, i will go out of my way to try to 'prove' to them why they should or shouldn't support that candidate.

so, lady truck driver, this is for you.....&, others that share your view that obama is the 'one'.

obama is fake & not a leader &, i do agree with you that no one can undo in four years what others have built for decades. if you were to do your own homework on obama, you'd see that he has done "NOTHING" for people of color or living below the national poverty level. but, i am not going to 'preach' to you, i am going to give you the facts as they are...

as quiet as it is kept, obama (& others), as a lawyer for ACORN, helped us get into the mess we are now in. he sued banks & organized boycotts to force banks into making loans to those that were not credit worthy under the guise of CRA (thanks to pres clinton). please, let's keep it real----if i'm on welfare, you're not going to loan me $500.00 dollars, much less let me buy your home. &, if i only make $9.00 per hour, can i buy your house simply because i'm black or spanish? (DO YOURSELF A FAVOR & GOOGLE 'CRA')

here is one peice of proof that obama did the above &, please remember that he is on record for wanting to give loans to those that are not credit worthy (they call them sub-prime loans)....there are many others listing him as a lawyer for acorn.
if you care to remember, all our economic problems started with the 'downfall' of our housing market because of sub-prime loans, & fannie mae & freddie mac are the main culprits. it's as simple as that but, i don't base all my writings on just one peice of info...the following is futher proof that pres bush did try to head our problems off, starting in 2001 but, congress & obama ignored him-----

look at how many times pres bush appealed to congress to get our present problems under control & look at how many times he was ignored.

obama's not man enough to admit his roles in our problems,,,,,,he'd rather blame it all on pres bush & everybody jumped on that 'bash pres bush band wagon'.

you may support obama (&, that's your right) but, when the person you support says we are not better off now then we were four years ago, something has to make you wonder why not. the 'why not' is answered like this::::obama has crippled the jobs market severely....say what you will but, let's be for real. WILL YOU PARK YOUR CAR OR TRUCK IF IT MEANS SAVING A FEW BIRDS FROM AN OIL SPILL THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAPPEN? ask that same question to the 10,000 plus people out of work in the gulf because of obamas mandates on our own drilling.

i've always liked & respected you & i ask for an honest answer to the following::::why did it take 2 1/2 years plus for obama to push for jobs? why did it take 2 1/2 years for obama to get serious about our immigration & border problems? when obama visited allentown, how come he was on lehigh street & not on second & gordon---& i don't want to hear that crap about security......none of his foto ops are in urban america---THEY ARE ALL IN RURAL AMERICA where they stop us for driving through after dark.

obama is a liar & i can prove that it----however, answer this & maybe i'll be done, just what has obama done (good) for us as a country-------i welcome your response, just don't curse me out.