Tuesday, August 21, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/    again, no good news...

there is some good news...the courts are slowly throwing out obamas regulations &, that has to show obama his regulations have been hurting us as he has been told. see here...http://news.yahoo.com/court-strikes-down-epa-pollution-rule-151452419--sector.html

however, if obama is re-elected, he will find a way to impose these regulations because he doesn't care & doesn't have the ability to accept rejection or failure.

on another note; obamas sending biden to florida in time for the RNC. morally, i think it crosses the line because i'm sure if romney/ryan were to show up in north carolina during the DNC, all the media would go berserk. & no, bidens trip was not previously scheduled. this shows just how desperate the obama camp is getting. i can only assume that obama knows biden will 'screw up' & he will take opportunity to continue distracting americans from the real issues.

america, we have a very tough election coming up &, i truly hope you will vote for who is best for our country & not base it on 'likability' or 'color'.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/    unfortunately, it just won't stay this well.

how close to that 'EDGE' are we? i honestly think we are dangling over it. this country becomes more 'liberal' (that would be you extreme left thinking people) every day. this country was built on 4 ideas---GOD given rights, principles, freedom, common sense, while the gov't was founded to protect & enhance each & every one of them. when you 'trample' on any one of them, you start the process for all of them to fall...much like taking a 'load bearing' beam out of your basement, your house will fall.

the gov't has stripped the power from the parents, schools, churches & our neighbors to police our own children. hell, they even teach 'parental abuse' in our grade schools & young kids have been known to call 911 on you in a heartbeat. yeah, i know, heard it before, 'i'll give my kid the phone to make the call' &, while they're investigating you, the kid is removed from your home which affects the other kids in the home; you have to take time off from work to go to court & make the 'proper behavior classes'. now a days, it's hard to tell your friends & family you lost your child because you beat their butts. once the children & youth services are involved, you're on record...by law, you can't hit, curse, yell or otherwise 'abuse' your child & yet, if they miss enough days in schools, you go to jail or pay a stupid fine.

the following are all examples of the gov't stripping us of our rights & freedoms:::::::::::





by themselves they may seem petty but, added up together & you know the rolling snowball is quickly getting bigger. you have the 'you can't smoke here police', you have the 'overweight people police' &, you now have the 'salt police'...http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/story/2012-08-20/boston-market-salt-shakers/57172722/1

have you ever had chicken without any salt? we have those that support same sex marriages &, while they may have the right to be with whomever they choose, i do draw the line at marriage. when you grant them the right to wed the same sex, you also grant their brother the right to marry their other brother. where do you draw the line?