Tuesday, October 23, 2018


hello america!!! obama is running around our country trying to take credit for our economic growth &, here's an example of that from youtube---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sec8Q_EBkNo...

before i continue, you first have to realize that it was the dems (& obama) that allowed the housing market collapse to occur by not acting on any of the fannie mae/freddie mac warnings from (then) pres george bush (starting in oct-2001) &, this is your proof https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html  &, don't be afraid of 'fact-checking' the sources listed---i can only hope you read it with an open mind because it's not what you've been hearing from the media & yet, it's recorded for posterity...

i guess it's fair of you to ask me what that has to do with obama & it's just as fair for me to respond---obama was an illinois state senator from 1/1997-11/2004---then he was elected as a us senator from 1/2005-11/2008---then he was elected as president from 1/2009-1/2017---in all of that time (through the present) he never once acknowledged the bush warnings---in fact, he's blamed bush for that collaspe & everything related to it ever since---so much for 'manning up'???

now, obama thinks you're too dumb to figure out his 'switch & bait' tactics (which the dems are famous for) & is trying to claim credit for our country's 'trump-bump' when it was him & his party (along with some rino's) that allowed all that pain & suffering (& ruin for some) to be inflicted upon us---i find it ironic that the dodd/frank bill (signed into law by obama) comes from 2 of the most influential dems elected to serve us & yet, they thwarted those bush warnings at every chance they got)...

good people, obama & company are on record for saying our (then) gdp growth of 1.7% was the new norm---trump campaigned on raising it to 3% & all the dems & media called him insane---i guess trump's 4.1% gdp is insane??? this was written 2014---http://www.aei.org/publication/team-obama-sorry-america-the-new-normal-may-be-here-to-stay/...

obama's on record for saying the jobs are not coming back & mocking the trumpster while doing it---i might add, 5 plus minutes of wonderful talk backed up by NO ACTION...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKpso3vhZtw ---i cannot wait for the trumpster to walk on one of those big stages with a big-ass 'magic wand'---no words will be needed...

look, pres bush added about $5 trillion dollars to our national debt & he was called un-american as you will witness here---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLmru6no4U ---so, if obama damn near doubled that (from $10.6 trillion to $19.9 trillion), what does that make him???

when you can see it, touch it, smell it & taste it, common sense has to prevail & hey, i'm here to tell you that the trumpsters tax cuts; corporations tax cuts; canceling/re-working our trades deals; jobs growth/record low unemployment stats; repealing regulations; &, putting american interests first has propelled our economy in such a way that even has some of his 'haters' giving him credit---https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/07/how-trump-has-set-economic-growth-on-fire.html & hey, obama has had nothing to do with it---in fact, when obama was asked about all of those stimulus/recovery act shovel-ready jobs he promised, he joked about them not being so shovel-ready---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O55aRrvXtio--- by the way, why don't you ask your dem leaders how many of their 'hated 1-percenters' benefited from the obama stimulus & recovery act??? &, before you get caught up in all the hype, please, remember this---https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/obama-has-little-to-show-for-his-lavish-spending-on-roads-green-energy-and-e-cars/ &, just so you know, there's this---https://www.dailysignal.com/2012/10/18/president-obamas-taxpayer-backed-green-energy-failures/

you have to know that all gov't money is your money & it's up to every voter in america to elect responsible people to spend it...

the dems, left-wing media & rino's (repubs in name only) fear the trumpster because he is exposing them for what they truly are---they are power-hungry liars, charlatans & procrastinators---they exist only to serve their own interests &, i'm sorry to tell you this, the good of the american people is not a part of that---

america, don't just look at where we were & compare it to where we are---also look at where we could be if the trumpster gets more repubs elected to help him actually serve the american people...

obama could/should have been a great president, however, he failed america...