Thursday, April 30, 2015


hello america!!! yes, all lives matter as well as how all people are treated---it should not be based on skin-color, religion, gender, size, political affiliation, sexual preference or, geographical location---all people should be treated with care & respect until they put themselves in a position to harm or steal from others...PERIOD!!!

that said, police & other arresting authorities know the difference between 'enough force' & 'excessive force' &, while we can't live without them, we shouldn't be condemning all of them for the actions of a few---there's bad apples in every bushel & it's up to us (as a people of one) to force our leaders to seek them out & comply with whatever the law demands, however, we need to use peaceful tactics instead of violence---violence will only be met with more violence & none of us need that just to make a point...

baltimore will probably erupt in violence & more destruction this weekend because a report the police were suppose to release friday, will not be released---that's the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire & expecting no reaction---couple that with the report that claims freddie gray harmed himself & you can almost see baltimore going up in flames...who can look at what is going on & not SMELL a cover-up in the making???

yes, freddie gray's death could have (& should have) been prevented &, it was a tragedy, however, no amount of rock-throwing, property destruction or looting will change one iota of his demise---in fact, those negative actions will only serve to offer our 'so-called leaders' ample fodder to politicize gray's unfortunate death & allow them to renew their 'wrongful finger-pointing' campaign...

good people, the focus should remain on gray's death but, the monday night 'thugs' have shifted that focus...what happened there should never have been allowed to occur & i honestly believe the mayor is completely at fault here &, since she's an elected democrat, i know you won't take my word for it so, click HERE---plus, there are those within the police force saying she gave the 'stand-down' order---&, she supposedly was in contact with obama & holder (just like hillary & benghazi)...

obama & others are now talking about baltimore's (as well as other city's) poverty level as the root of the problem & they're trying to blame it on the republicans---i have some disappointing news for them as well as other democrats---both senators representing maryland are democrats (mikulski-1987 & cardin-2007) &, 7 of the 8 house of representatives are democrats (hoyer-1981, cummings-1996, hollen jr-2003, ruppersberger-2003, sarbanes-2007, edwards-2008, delaney-2013) & lastly is repub harris-2011---the gov (hogan) is a white repub, the mayor (stephanie rawlings-blake) is both black & a democrat---the police commissioner (anthony w batts) is black------so please, color me stupid but, how in the hell are the repubs at fault for the poverty levels in baltimore???

where was obama & company during his first 2 years in office asking congress to act on the blight of all of our 'baltimore's??? where were the conversations from obama, holder & sharpton calling for helping the black people of america???

if this unfortunate incident is going to be blamed on the repubs, the dems need to look hard & long in the mirror because they 'SQUANDERED' their opportunity to help the people that needed their help the i've often written, don't take my word, do your own homework &, while you're at it, please tell me how many of those 'shovel-ready jobs' ended up in the 'hood'???

black people, know this & research it, obama made no promises to you & you weren't singled out during his campaign speeches---in fact, he bloviated about helping the middle-class & completely ignored those that live south of their status---besides, he said 'middle-class is a state of mind'...

let's be honest, the baltimore's of our country have been allowed to fall out of favor for decades---they were promised jobs but, they got welfare instead..................