Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hello america! the following will read like a school closings alert: medicare/broke; medicaid/broke; welfare/broke; fannie mae/broke; freddie mac/broke; amtrac/broke; postal system/broke; social security/broke; states/broke; cities/broke; immigration/running amok; border security/running amok; fda/running amok; 'cash for clunkers'/broke & running amok; faa/running amok; 'TARP'/running amok; the american dollar bill/broke & running amok; crime/out of control; drugs/out of control; gangs/out of control; banking industry/broke & running amok (& getting to raise credit card rates before the fed crackdown); obama administration/running amok:::if you don't know where i'm going with this, you're not an american.

we can't & shouldn't trust our federal government to do anything that will truly help us & moreso, the present regime. the 'checks & balance' system is way out of whack. with the dems & obama having control, this country is sliding down that slippery slope & the only brakes are the repubs & the peoples collective voice, which congress seems not to care about until election time.

america, if you really listen to what obama & the dems are saying about their bill & then read the bill for yourself, you'll come to the realization that somebodies lying to you. after all the examples listed above, can any of you honestly tell me you have enough faith in any part of our government to run america's healthcare system? put the pressure on your elected officials to get this bill right for the good of the people or use your voice at the election box.