Saturday, July 14, 2012


hello america!!! they say a picture is worth a thousands words so, you be the judge. & before you ask, no, i'm not saying obama is not an american by birth (although that's still open to question), i'm saying he's un-american in his heart.....

perhaps the pictures below will show you just how 'american' obama is not

this says it all. WOW!!!

i could almost understand it if all 3 photos were taken on the same day however, they weren't....

& obama is worried about gov mitt romney's record? 

but, i just can't let you walk away with just my side of the story so please, look at this.......................

this is where the last picture came from----the video has been removed but the picture below it is in slow mode.................the article is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dick Cheney showing obama how it's done

the queen just doesn't rate a bow!!!

obama, does not respect our flag & yet, he respects all things islam
as shown here going to pray with other muslims.


hello america!!! let's talk about lies & back them up with facts so that there is no doubt!!!!!!!! these are all lies from obamas mouth to your ears....................................................

2.....not hire lobbyists--- & honest gov't---
4.....bills would be posted on the internet for 5 days before being signed---
5.....reaching across the isles---
6.....change how business was conducted in washington---
7.....cut the deficit in half in first 3 years---
8.....keep the national unemployment rate below 8%---
9.....not raise taxes on the middle-class---
10...unify america---
11...put americans back to work---
12...keep americans in their homes---
13...close gitmo---
14...bring our troops home---
15...keep america safe---

the above are just 15 of of obamas lies to our country....& then you have these..................................

16...obamacare is not a tax---
17...dream act failed because of repubs---
18...repubs in congress preventing job growth---
19...he didn't bow---'s pres bush's fault---
21...the stimulus worked---
22...90% of stimulus jobs would go to the private sector---
23...get rid of the programs/agency's that do not work---
24...curb in gov't spending---
25...uphold the laws & constitution of the united states---
26...the tsunami in japan caused it---
27...the mild winter weather caused it---
28...the problems in europe caused it---
29...obamacare is good & needed for all americans (except unionizes labor)---
30...obamacare will keep healthcare costs down---

how am i doing so far???..however, we are not finished with obamas lies........................................

31...obamacare will allow you to keep your own doctor---
32...obamacare will not raise taxes on the middle-class---
33...state bailouts worked--- bailouts worked--- bailouts will worked---
36...create all those shovel ready jobs---
37...stop unfair trade agreements--- track approval for the keystone pipeline---
39...not sign bills with pork projects in them---
40...'greening' of america---
41...'green' jobs
42...putting on a soft pair of shoes & marching with the picket lines---
43...being the voice of union labor---
44...out-sourcing stimulus money & jobs to overseas--- protect our borders---

first, before you call me a traitor, a lie is an untruth &, when one knows they are telling you an untruth, they are willingly & knowingly lying & thus, they are liars....the above 45 lies are all from the mouth of obama & you can try to refute any one of them, or all of them however, the facts speak for themselves & you might want to double check your own facts before you try to attack mine.......such as:::::obama says he support equality for women & yet, under him, more women are out of work now then when he first took office. such as:::::obama says we are doing 'fine' & 'heading in the right direction' & yet, 550,000 more people are unemployed now then when he first took office.

facts are facts no matter how you spin them. before obama took office, banks stopped loaning, americans were losing their homes & jobs were being lost---& guess what, here it is 3 1/2 years since he took office & banks ain't lending, americans ain't keeping their homes & jobs ain't being got &, not once has he accepted the blame for any of it.........&, before you argue in his behalf, why don't you google 'obama sued citibank' & then tell me what kind of character obama has........argue that........


hello america!!! the more one digs, the more more one finds...unions labor worker's pay their dues & union bosses & the bosses live 'lovely'........where's obamas 'big mouth' on the 'fairness' of that or this???????????

wouldn't the bosses pay & perks put them in obamas 'fac-cat' category? why are they exempted from being lumped in with the 'wallstreet fat-cats'? oh, how stupid of me....if obama says anything negative about them, they'll drop their support for him, but hey, he's the one yelling for 'fairness'!!!!!!!!!

union labor workers, obama talks about helping you & yet, he has not 'put on that soft pair of shoes' & marched with any of you........he not only couldn't march with you in wisconsin, he was also too busy doing that 'presidential stuff' to stop by & say hello & support the recall. & yes, campaigning & flying directly over wisconsin is now classified as 'presidential stuff'.

now, i don't want any one thinking i'm getting soft about unionized labor, i'm not but, i do feel for them because they are not in a position to really speak out & help themselves &, the guy at the top (obama) who said he would be their voice has suddenly developed the mumps, laryngitis & tonsillitis all at once & can't speak..........i can only wish that really would happen to him.

oh, wait a minute, just got a 'news flash' that his daughters heard about all the lies he's been telling america & sealed his lips with super-glue while he was sleeping-----yeah, i know, low blow but, when those girls are old enough to find out things on their own, nobody can 'shield' them from all the lies their 'daddy' has told america.........& yes, daddy has told some 'WHOPPERS'!!!!!!!!

after all the recent revelations on how the union bosses are spending the union workers money, the above differences in pay scales comes as no surprise. what does come as a surprise is: the union worker's do the bidding of the union bosses by paying due, demonstrating & protesting & yet, they don't 'collectively' ask obama to speak in their behalf to the union bosses about the difference in pay. more importantly, when they're on the picket line, they're only getting about $150.00 per week----hell, i actually know of family's on welfare that make a hell of a lot more then that (& yeah, a lot of them are just content with their welfare status).........

if obama were as serious about taxing the 'rich', he'd say, we're going to tax the rich on their income &, we're going to tax the rich on their perks & other benefits.....but that ain't happening.........

america, obama will never be the 'man' you think he is...he will lie to you in a minute about every & anything. if he truly supports union worker's, you should be hearing from him about the above shortly calling for some kind of investigation from the most honest person in our universe, ag william holder...if you don't, then you should see him for what he really is.......& that is::::someone that says the right things while doing the wrong things at the same time---THE MAN IS A LIAR & NO OTHER WORDS SUFFICE!!!!!!

just for fun, you should actually read the following article about unions & dems.............................................

obamas a regular 'i'll tell you what you should do but, i'll do as i please' kinda guy.


hello america!!! i find all the obama negative campaigning very distasteful although i understand why he has to stoop so low to paint a nasty picture of gov mitt romney. once an ad (regardless of the truth or lack of truth) hits the airways, the damage is done:::obama excels at lying to the public---his whole history is filled with 'provable' lies however, the media don't challenge him on it. politics is the only business you can smear someone without proof & the claim stands regardless of what the accused does or says......look, i don't care who has money in a foreign bank account or invests in overseas company's. nor am i interested in their tax returns. all i'm really interested in is: are they american & can they run the country in such a way as to allow us to prosper, remain free &, protect our rights.........................................however, obama & company are very steeped in hypocrisy as the following articles will reveal........................................................................

if you look back to the beginnings of my writings, i've always been skeptical of obama, where he came from &, why are there so many blanks in his life. i've always said we know more about bin laden then we know about obama. do you remember when 'joe-the-plumber' challenged obama on a question? do you remember the dems & the media digging into his whole life & putting it out in public? do you remember them publicizing sarah palin, john mccain's &, pres bush's college records? then you should also remember that i had problems with that because obama wasn't releasing anything about his prior life &, what did come out, he denied...just to show you how i felt 3 plus years ago, i pulled this up just for you...........................................
& this was written 3 years ago & comes from WND...  so i was not the only finding obamas records sealed off..........

america, just 'google' any part of obamas life & then tell me you know more about him then now.