Thursday, September 27, 2012


hello america!!! obama gave a major speech to all the leaders at the UN &, there were so many things missing from it...

obama recently gave an interview to univision saying his biggest failure was his failure to pass immigration reform. at the UN, immigration reform didn't even cross his thoughts. HYMM!!! 

where was his urging other country's to be more tolerant of 'same sex' relationships??? HYMM!!!

he never mentioned that other country's should follow his lead & hire more teachers & other public service personnel to help the middle class citizens. HYMM!!!

in a room full of world leaders, obama didn't talk about better 'protecting' mother earth from polution nor did  he say anything about 'global warming. HYMM!!!

he didn't tell those leaders that the whole world needs fairer trades agreements. HYMM!!!

&, i must have gone to the men's room when he told all of those leaders that america will be in a much better position to aid them when he puts america back to work...he didn't say anything? HYMM!!!

well, obama said a lot however, this speech was a knock on the rights of an american to produce a video &, it was his way of kissing the muslim world's ass. the msnbc's, cbs's, abc's won't even mention this &, it is to my understanding that obama tried to get this one sentence taken out of the video on his speech but, here it is: "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" can read it for yourselves in the 13th paragraph from the bottom of the above link.

that sentence alone should tell you where obama really stands & unfortunately, it's not on the side of america. here, in his own country, people slander GOD & he just overlooks it. you don't hear him say, 'the future of america must not belong to those that slander GOD'...HYMM!!!

america, i told you in 2008 that obama was not good food this country &, his actions & words have proved it...


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    one day i hope to click on this site & see no layoffs or closings. that said, i have no faith or hope that that will happen as long as obama is in office...he promised all of these jobs & to cut our deficit in half by the end of his first term &, good people, take a long, hard look around our & tell me where are we better off then we were 4 years ago....

i've often said, true math doesn't lie. obama can spin the numbers any way he wishes to however, it's up to you to find the truth &, msnbc won't give it to you...the dismal jobs numbers for august were pitiful; only 96,000 new jobs &, for whatever reason, 386,000 people stopped looking for work (which cause the national unemployment rate to drop to 8.1%). that said, there were 382,000 new benefits claims last week. now, i realize (according to obama) that all of the above is just a "bump in the road". actually, that 382,000 was revised by labor department up to 385,00 &, the increase was kept under the wire. that said, today's new jobless claims came out at 359,000. please bear in mind that seasonal hiring is starting to take place for halloween, thanksgiving & christmas so, the numbers might just stabilize for a quick minute.

hmmm!!! you lose your job; can't find another; file for benefits (if you qualify) which pay less; mortgage or rent becomes a problem as does: the car payment, insurance, monthly bills, grocery & gasoline costs &, if you got a child or two in school, you've got problems but hey, worry's just a "bump in the road" & "we're heading in the right direction". &, if you are lucky enough to find a job, chances are it will pay less then your old one so it might just be better to collect your unemployment benefits until they expire.

not to rain on your parade, read this...

i know you remember that 'hope & change' thing &, obama latest is 'forward'---well, after you read the following article, please tell me which direction is 'forward'...

&, i have one more for you...

we are not better off then we were 4 years ago & america, we are steadily moving backwards...