Friday, November 23, 2012


hello america!!! we knew what the muslim brotherhood was all about before they even visited the whitehouse this year. they said they would not have a horse in the presidential race & yet, their leader won. how is a surprise that will not change their ways? oh, i know. hilary clinton went over there & had a very successful conversation with somebody &, obama had conversations with somebody & both were glowing in their success---no matter how short-lived it turned out to be. i just can't understand why the following is a surprise...

it seems that we will be forced to accept whatever obama & company tell us until the crap hits the fan & then, they go into 'super-spin' mode.....

it's amazing how quickly things the way, here's the article about the visit to the whitehouse.........


hello america!!! here we go again; our 'so-called' black leaders are wishing for something that just isn't a part of reality...   however, before i get into it, please allow me to ask these people, just how many times has obama openly spoke about  'black america'? for four years, we've all heard obama refer to latino's, middle-class &, the one percenter's. i just can't recall him talking about black america exclusively. in truth, he seems to have gone out of his way not to use any specific term that refers directly to blacks. please prove me wrong.

while these 'so-called' leaders may 'demand' a seat at the table, at best, it would only be a token seat. perhaps they fail to remember how obama 'dressed' them down at the black caucus this past september in a way he would not talk to white america &, they applauded him for saying the following...
"I expect all of you to march with me, and press on," Obama said. "... Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We've got work to do."

& just so you can't say i make this stuff up, here's obamas speech &, unless i'm blind & deaf, he mentioned black owned businesses & african americans once each...

i have a big problem with being called an african american. yes, i'm black & perhaps my heritage can be traced back to africa but hell, i was born right here in the good ole USA & that makes me a 'black american'. golfer ernie els was born in africa & if he were to be granted american citizenship, he would be an african american. hopefully, you understand me.

while jobs should be the number one priority, infrastructure jobs usually go to those that are best trained to perform them. &, even here i have a big problem with obama & these in the hell can those blacks & latino's get those jobs without that all-important valid id card you fought so hard to keep them from having? it's really quite simple (which is why you all missed it), no id---no job.

you talk about jobs but not cleaning up the black communities. you talk about education but not cleaning up the black communities. it's amazing that nobody wants to talk about the drugs, the gangs, the violence & crimes, the babies having babies at 13, 14, 15 years old that plague our communities. what's even more then amazing is: you offer no plans to help our communities. you can organize massive marches but you can't organize them where they are really needed.

here it is, four years later &, looking back at them, i can't see where obama has made a difference in the black community. unemployment is too high; the education level is too low; hope has turned to living on foodstamps, etc....

&, obama has four more years---to do what?