Friday, March 16, 2012


hello america!!! obamas regulations are really hurting us!!! a lot of you will argue with this but, what's new about that? facts remain facts no matter how you spin them or misrepresent them, & yes, we're all guilty of that, regardless of good intentions...

simply put, a 'regulation' is a rule or law that's parents, we 'regulate' our children however, we call it 'raising them right' or 'teaching them wrong from right' or 'guiding their upbringing'...we instill rules in them to reside by under our roofs from day one &, those rules come with consequences when violated, if we choose to enforce them...

now, there are good & bad regulations however, most parents try to instill the former & then, there's that group of parents that prefer the latter:::i.e; those that raise their children to hate others because of the color of their skin or religion, etc....

knowitall, what in the hell does this have to do with obama? never thought you would ask...obama has installed regulations that hurt our economy & are producing negative consequences for all of us. i.e; he's publicly said he will bankrupt the 'coal industry' & he's doing it but, he's doing it in such a way that it hurts all of us. the 'coal industry's' loss of jobs is one thing &, then you add the loss of revenue those business's surrounding those coal mining areas suffer &, they also have to fold, which in turn hurts that entire community, which in turn, spreads out...&, that obama guys answers to the problems he's creating are, sign up for unemployment compensation, sign up for welfare benefits to include medical & food stamps, buy this 'greening of america' crap, &, tighten your belts........

america, don't be fooled again---obama is not good for this country:::you've been duped....

by the way, obamas changing his message of 'change' to 'hope'...

just 'google' obamas regulations & see for yourselves...however, here's a lengthy link....


hello america!!! on april 5th it will be 3 years since obama uttered those meaningless words<>"our words must mean more then words"<>which he said in reference to north korea's launching of a long range missile. well, that country is at it again<><><>see here
&, this is occurring just after our recent talks with them where everything went well...

i am not a war-monger &, i honestly wish we could wipe out all violence everywhere but, that ain't happening. so, what's the answer? we need a leader that will lead & obama ain't it. the world outside our borders do not respect him, for that matter, there are many right here that don't respect him (can't blame them either but, that's another story for another time)...he's a sham that reads very well.

north korea, iran, syria, iraq, afghanistan, venezuelan, cuba, yemin & pakistan are all little country's that are plaguing the hell out of us & have been for eons &, if unchecked, will continue to do so.......we are sanctioning the crap out of them &, it ain't working. in fact, we're actually hurting the very people we are in a position to help...the citizens of those country's that are caught in the middle...

then you have russia & china & both are building up their military & weaponry & all obama does is talk. we don't want a war with either of them & they don't want one with us---stalemate---no matter what they do or say & no matter what we do or say---stalemate.

we have proved we will enter country's & impose our will as best we can. all we have to do is send in some of our 'bunker busters' to where we think iran & north korea are trying to build their bombs & go on about our business......yes, russia & china will raise hell & we'll be hauled before the u n & every other 'world' agency but, our problem would be what is obama waiting for? if he's waiting for israel to do it, that will lead to a big mid-east war.

now, before i fully condemn obama, i'm sure that he has some kind of covert actions taking place in most of these country's but, apparently, it ain't working...