Thursday, December 13, 2012


hello america!!! pennsylvania, you wanted obama, you got wanted obamacare, you got obamacare. &, thanks to gov corbett, the fed gov't will be setting up the 'exchange' for you, since he rejected it. hope you like it...

in keeping with my usual cynical self:::there are several questions that should be asked by those wishing to rely on obama, such as: when will it be in place? how much will it cost you as an individual? what will be covered? where are the feds getting the money to get it up & running? what must you do to qualify? will i be able to keep the doctor i now have? how come all the rules, regulations & paperwork are not in place yet? where can i go to get more information? (THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION SHOULD BE), what 'say' do i have in the matter or do i just have to accept obamacare as it is/supposed to be?

pa, i didn't want you to think i made this stuff up so, here are 2 articles on it...


hello america!!! i live 2 1/2 blocks from the school &, just about every other day, there's a fight, of some sort, right outside my house. while a lot of the fights only involve the couple that's fighting (whether it be males or females), the audience is worth noting because at times, it has numbered in the hundreds. yes, the police are called & have a pretty good response time but, how pro-active can they be when a fight can break out at any time? another thing the police do is, they'll see large crowds & try to move them on before anything actually happens but, all this does is move the fight down the street.

while the following incident is unfortunate, it can't be stopped &, as soon as the police start doing more than they have been doing, the very people that condemn the the violence will be the first one's in line shouting about their little joey's rights...

the students know when & where these incidents are going to occur &, they also know who's involved however, if they come forward, they're branded a 'snitch' &, short of moving out of town, it's all downhill for them as soon as they open their mouths.

i don't know where this school stands on an educational basis however, i do know there are gangs & drugs throughout the school &, in reality, they are as much a part of the curriculum as is math & science. as long as we have the gangs & drugs in the schools, we will always have the violence that accompany them, unless we put laws on the books that allow our police to act on their feelings (IN GOOD FAITH) instead of having to wait until something actually happens which, is usually too late. until then, at best, we should hope that these incidents don't end up being more serious then the one listed above.