Monday, August 15, 2011


hello america!!! obama wants to take this bus tour to 'get away from dc & hear about the struggles of the people & the economic downfalls impact on them'. what a lie!!!! this bus tour is part of his campaigning strategy----pure & simple but, he & his admin can't tell you that-----he & they continue to lie to us----they refuse to tell us the truth no matter how simple the issue.

my problem with this goes back to his speech when he said that he would submit new ideas to congress to in the coming weeks to get our economy rolling which was an admission that his previous ideas didn't work. how many more chances (at our expense) does he get?

obamas 'stimulus' didn't work: obamacare didn't & isn't working----in fact, the courts have ruled that his mandate is unconstitutional, which means it can't be enforced, which means it failed & this is his signature piece of work. nothing he has done has "IMPROVED" our economic problems one iota; in fact, what he has done & proposes to do, has vastly hurt the growth of our nation.

this bus tour is campaigning---no one needs to travel the country to know or see the results of obamas failed policy's. all one has to do is look at the very same stats that obama sees every day::::our national unemployment rate (which obama promised to keep under 8%); our national growth index; our national lack of available jobs; our national debt; the 'dc gridlock'; the states bordering on bankruptcy; the foreclosures; the banks not making loans; our entittlements programs (that are draining us); obamas approval rating which is below 40%; the growing american frustration with the direction of this country; our 'newly lowered' national credit rating (which obama blames on everyone & everything but himself); the daily additions to our
public welfare programs; the continues sad story's from (city-after-city/state-after-state) about how the economy is hurting them & us;;;what idiot needs to get on a bus to hear & know what's hurting america?

&, as i type & listen to obama today, he is still in that 'spend more of your money' mode. he is proclaiming that investing (spending) more will create more. it didn't work before & it won't work now.

obama volunteered for this job & yes, things were bad (partly because he was part of the original problem; he ignored pres bush's requests warning of the housing market downfall)...however, he took the problems, did nothing to solve them &, made them worse.

while he's running around the country, he should ask the american people how they feel about the 2 1/2 plus years under him about his promises of 'hope & change'...he hasn't given the american people any 'hope' for the future &, he hasn't changed one single thing in washington.......