Thursday, January 31, 2013


hello america!!! this country got all bent out of shape over the senseless killings at sandy hook elementary school (20 children & 8 adults) & the incident went straight to the whitehouse. what bothers me the most is, last year, chicago had 500 plus violent killings &, 270 plus of them were children--facebook & twitter were silent. the vast majority of those killings were of people of color & again--facebook & twitter were silent. here it is, 31 days into a new year & chicago already has 40 killings &, facebook & twitter are silent. here's the latest one which could be anyone of our children.,0,4361139.story

i call it like i see it: 500 plus killings (mostly people of color) & you didn't hear crap from obama, the dems, the repubs. 500 plus people killed in 1 year & there was no cry for gun control. 28 people were killed (mostly white) & the incident has gone world-wide. do you mean to tell me that those 28 deaths are more important then the 500 plus? must be, because i can't remember anybody on my facebook asking us to pray for the children of chicago...both black's & latino's asked for prayers for sandy hook & didn't say crap about their own people. &, up until now, obama never said anything about chicago.....go figure.

look, i really don't care where you stand on gun control but, everything i've been hearing from obama & the dems in congress is definitely not the answer...their actions simply go to inserting more regulations. stricter background checks may only weed out a few from obtaining a gun legally &, mandating that you can only have 7 rounds in a magazine will only be obeyed by the lawful. be real, the guns & bullets are out there if you really want them-no id card needed. on the other side, the approach they're going to take concerning 'mental health' is going to 'negatively brand' people for the rest of their life...if you can't be trusted to buy a gun, you'll not be trusted to drive & you won't trust them to work next to you.

stiffer penalties just don't work. we already have a 3-strike law on the books that doesn't work. we have stiffer laws for drug offenders that don't work. the laws for rape & burglaries don't hinder those that want to take what they want. hell, prisoners make their own deadly weapons in our prisons.

prisons are not the answer: according to the us depart of justice/bureau of justice statistics report (11 dec 2011), 10,005 prison deaths (not all of them homicides) were reported between 2000-2009 so, jail alone is not the answer. hell, at the end of 2011, we had 6,977,700 offenders either locked up, on probation or, on parole.

way back on 20 aug 1986, a postal worker shot & killed 14 co-workers, wounded 6 others & took his own life & remember, he did it with two .45 cal pistols. & there are reports of postal workers going 'postal' starting back in 1983 so, deaths by violence goes back a ways.

i find it strange that we can ask for prayers for the victims of sandy hook (vastly white) & not ask for prayers for our own.........makes me wonder where you get your news from.........