Friday, May 19, 2017


hello america!!! for many months the dems have been saying trump colluded with the russians to win the election---for many months the dems have been saying the russians interfered with our elections---for many months, trump & his admin have been under congressional investigation & yet, not one concrete piece of evidence has been uncovered to prove their assertions---in fact, many prominent dems have actually admitted that they have seen no evidence to date & yet, the assertions continue...

just in case you missed it, dem senator dianne feinstein (co-chair of the senate intelligence committee; ranking member of the judiciary committee) recently said (thursday-18 may) she has seen no evidence of collusion but, i know you'd rather see her & hear it for yourselves so CLICK HERE...

seemingly, it's ok for the dems to throw accusations around based on 'rumors' & 'unsubstantiated media reports' i.e; dem representative maxine waters as can be found HERE &/or googled by yourselves...

well, the dems wanted a 'special prosecutor' & now that they have one that they say is perfectly qualified, they'll hang him out to dry when his investigation starts to unravel other dems mis-doings...


hello america!!! i have a big problem with our media---they can report damaging articles about others & claim their info came from 'unnamed sources' & can't be held accountable because they can protect those sources---there is something extremely wrong with that picture...

can you imagine somebody at your job posting something derogatory about you on the bulletin board that they claimed came from unnamed sources & the only thing you could do was deny it without ever being able to face those unnamed sources??? what's worse, you'd probably lose your job & possibly, your unemployment benefits---your reputation would be tarnished---no matter how much you may deny the accusations, you'd never be able to prove you weren't guilty of what was alleged...

our media should not be allowed to report something based on 'unnamed sources' & moreso when they themselves cannot independently confirm or deny those allegations---so yes, something has to change with how our media is reporting the 'news' & they must be held fully accountable...


hello america!!!

Image result for old pics of trump with black leaders


hello america!!! the dems are looking for whatever they can do or think they can come up with that will hurt donald trump---they asked for a 'special prosecuter' & now that they have one (that they have continually heaped praise on) they'll soon find reasons not to accept the 'findings' if they turn out to be in trumps favor...