Saturday, March 17, 2012


hello america!!! depending on who you listen to, we import 58%-68% of all the oil we use. common sense tells me that, if we produce more of our own & use it here, we can lower & control the price at the gas pump. &, since we have an abundance of it here, we can break our 'dependency' on foreign imports. yes, it will take time: yes, there will be accidents: & yes, we should definitely try to find ways to use alternative energy. however, we need to start producing more of our own oil now &, for obama & the dems not to see that their objections are hurting us is ludicrous.

please read the following with an open mind<><><>

if one is to believe the story, obama is trying deceive us once again...he's taking credit for all the oil drilling & production but, can you please tell me what bill, what policy, or what executive privilege he put in play for all that drilling & production?...yeah, he can't name one either...what he can name are the policy's of pres bush that made all that drilling & production possible-------but he won't. he's not man enough to give credit to whom it belongs...can you imagine how much oil we could have if he would open up alaska & the gulf of mexico, which he was all too quick to shut down.

good people, if you can believe what's happening in north dakota is real, why can't the rest our states follow suit? just 'google' north dakota & oil...they are doing so well that mcdonalds buger flippers are getting $18.00 per hour. yes, they have increased problems because of the influx of people but, look at their economy..enough said.

obama wants a million 'electric' cars on the road by 2015 & he's offering a tax break for those that buy those cars...seems to me that the only car i've seen this tax break for is the chevy volt &, if i'm not mistaken, isn't chevy part of gm...yeah, the one obama bailed out....&, besides all that, chevy has union workers----go figure!


hello america!!! if obama would quit trying to turn us into something we are not, i'd have a whole lot less to write about. now, here he is trying to go after the oil giants again...

my problem with him & the above subject is, most of the oil company's are successful & he's trying to tear them down whereas, the banking industry, the housing markets, fannie mae, freddie mac, amtrac, & the post office are all proven failures (almost forgot gm & chrysler) &, he's not bothering them. i just wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that he bailed them out at our expense & then has the audacity to invite them to his $35,000 a plate dinners...HMMM!!!!

obama, can you prove or disprove the following????

NEWSFLASH!!!!!! as of this moment, we are hooked on fossil fuels & there is no other proven alternative for us to drive our cars, trucks, & planes, etc. so, while we need an alternative energy source, we can't get it overnight &, if the prices are correct for chevy volt & that $50.00 light bulb, most of can't afford to switch over.

i live in allentown, pa & i wonder just how many people in the following area---15th street to irving street & union street to washington street---can afford those energy efficient light bulbs, energy efficient cars &, solar panels. off the top of my head i'm going to guess 2%...

obama, you've run enough company's out of america, leave the oil industry alone & phase in the greening of this great nation. which brings me to this:::you're forcing the coal industry into a bad corner:::when too many of them are forced to shut their doors, who is going to replace that lost electricty? our rates will go sky high & you have to know that...with hot weather coming, americans use more electricty, i.e; fans, air conditioners, & gasoline & you want to flood the market with electric cars while at the same time closing the doors of the coal-powered energy do you justify that knowing that we have electrical grid problems during the hot weather period that just can't handle the volume???

instead of running your mouth before you get all the facts, try putting your wife & daughters in a chevy volt & driving to the west coast......& then tell me what problems you had & how long it took &, how much it cost.