Thursday, February 26, 2009


hello america! even some of the pro-obama biased media are jumping off of the obama bandwagon. their eyes are slowly opening to see what they refused to look at prior to obama winning the whitehouse. i don't think they like the idea of being regulated & censored by obama & hiw crew. as long as obama was screwing with everybody but them, they were fine with him &, covered up a lot of nasty things that would have cost obama the election. now that they see he doesn't care about them either, they will begin pointing out obamas negativeness. whereas, once, obama could do no wrong in their blind eyes, they are now beginning to turn on him. personally, i don't know why it took them so long. when obama kicked that female reporter off his plane & shut her company out of his loop, the media was warned not to cross obama---(think she was from florida)---(&, this happened while he was still campaigning)---the biggest warning sign for them should have been when they couldn't gain access to most of obamas past records. obama closed that door & it has remained closed to this day.

better late then never &, i can only imagine that the media might start reporting honestly about & on obama.