Monday, December 4, 2017


hello america!!! exactly 2 months ago, i posted this CLICK HERE & today, i'm sad to say, nothing has changed---wait a minute, a lot has changed...

we have this from the newamerican---HERE...

&, we have this from theroot---HERE...

&, we have new numbers regarding the senseless homicides in the 6 communities i'm following...

chicago (ytd)---636 total homicides of which 587 were by gunshot/489 black homicides/109 hispanic homicides/police killed 11-wounded 10 per

baltimore (ytd)---322 total homicides of which 280 were by gunshot/272 black homicides/3 hispanic homicides per

la county (ytd)---575 total homicides of which 434 were by gunshot/181 black homicides/315 hispanic homicides/police killed 39 per

jacksonville (ytd)---123 total homicides of which 91 were by gunshot/83 black homicides/3 hispanic homicides/police killed 7 per

milwaukee (ytd)---113 total homicides of which 102 were by gunshot/94 black homicides/6 hispanic homicides per

st louis (ytd)---190 total homicides of which 172 were by gunshot/173 black homicides/1 hispanic homicide per

ytd totals for just those 6 communities are...
1,959 total homicides/1,666 by gunshot/1,292 black homicides/437 hispanic homicides/police killed at least 57

sadly, what hasn't changed is the deafening silence surrounding these senseless killings by our 'so-called' leaders, our pro athletes, the media, the various groups, by you, etc...

&, just think, this is but a minute fraction of our whole country...


hello america!!! i find it very ironic that none of the dems seemed to care about our national debt when obama ran it up by $10 trillion dollars---nor are they concerned with how much of our money special council mueller is allowed to spend for his investigating the trump/russia allegations---nor are they concerned with how much money illegal aliens are costing us---nor are they concerned with how much money obamacare is costing us as individuals & as a country---nor are they concerned with the 'slush fund' the irs uses to pay off claims of sexual harassment & other things---plus, there's a host of other 'concerns' they don't care about...

but now, we're supposed to believe that they're suddenly concerned about the tax bill adding $1 trillion dollars over 10 years to it under trump & hey, nobody honestly knows if the tax bill will even add to our national debt...

just so you can see what the senate & house bills offer, check this out from the daily signal...

quit letting the dems mislead you...


hello america!!! let's see if i got this right---all i've heard from the dems during the senate tax cuts debates is; it isn't a tax cut for the middle-class & yet, they offered an amendment to make those same middle-class tax cuts PERMANENT---perhaps they can convince me that what i saw & heard them arguing isn't them arguing it---good luck with that...

good people, i watched cspan2 from day one of the senate tax cuts debates & proposals &, i feel as if i'm as qualified as any 'so-called-expert' to comprehend & explain what all i saw & heard PERIOD!!! &, what i witnessed is a travesty---dem after dem kept saying that the bill would create a burden on the middle-class; make the wealthy wealthier; & add to the deficit (they so conveniently failed to say that that would be over a 10-year period) &, that the bill in it's present form was not a tax cut for the middle class people of america---if you were stupid enough to listen to them, this bill was a 'death sentence' on the middle-class & 'big boost' to company's & the wealthy---what a humongous bunch of crap...

in 100% truth, the dem thinking is---if the rich are going to get richer, the hell with anything that will help the middle class---that's the equivalent of a rich man coming to your block & saying he wants to give everybody on your block $100.00 but, he/she can't because a few of you feel those that are better off than others shouldn't get that $100.00---so, if the dems had their way, nobody would get the $100.00---america, that's just 'stinkin-thinkin'...

as divided as our great country is, what's supposed to be good for one should be good for all---hey, isn't that the same bs the dems told you when they rammed obamacare down our throats??? the only problem with that is (&, i'll just list a few)---the dems didn't want it for themselves; the unions didn't want it; the medical field that supported it didn't want it; the affluent didn't want it; main-stream-media didn't want it; &, perhaps the most revealing of all is, obama didn't want it for himself, relatives &/or his friends---BUT HEY, IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!! for you idiots, that's akin to saying i want universal healthcare for you as long as i don't have to get it---which is another way of saying, we want a 'higher minimum wage' & yet, we want our interns to work for us for free---are you really that stupid???

yes, some of you are &, my own people of color continue to elect these dems that only offer us 'lip-sevice' & yet, do nothing to actually help us or our country---biggest case in point is chicago, il---people of color are killing one another at an unprecedented rate & all we do is re-elect the same dems based on their false promises---what in the hell has chicago ever done for our county or people of color in the last few decades with a dem mayor??? there are far too many other communities that follow that same vein of 'not doing' & yet, 'promise us' the world---WHEN WILL WE LEARN???

look, when the dems argue about the tax bills, you really need to be concerned with what they really mean for you & your family & disregard the dem talking points which never change...