Wednesday, August 8, 2012


hello america!!! the following is just another problem obamacare presents to business's...

as is usual, whenever the fed gov't charges business's more money, it gets passed on to the consumers. obama must have failed 'business 101' because he fails to see the bottom line which is, we are going to pay more across the board. it might not seem like much when you look at 15/20 cents a pizza but, you add a little more to that for the sodas, & all the other rising prices of your grocery's &, it starts to add up. couple that with the charges that will be passed on to you from the services industry (electricity, gas, etc) & you start to get the picture.

any business with 50 or more employees will have the same options as papa john's has & yes, many will decide not to offer their workers heathcare coverage meaning, those workers will have to foot the bill for themselves &, as you will one day realize, the costs continue to rise---so much for affordable. &, please remember, if you purchase your own, it has to meet obamacare standards. just 'google' healthcare insurance prices & you'll see just how unaffordable it really is.

to be fair to obama, he has that little thing in there that, if you can't afford it, you can sign up for his plan...however, there is an income threshold you must be under to qualify. if you make too much, you're stuck...get your own or pay the tax for not getting it---your choice.

let's keep it real:::with gas prices going back up, company's will pass that on to you also but, you already know that. the drought we are experiencing is also causing food price to rise.

all i can say is, i'm glad you think the middle-class & less unfortunate people won't be affected---just keep on thinking like that & get ready to pay more...thank your people friendly obama....because obamacare is going to cost you more no matter how you slice it.................

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