Friday, May 4, 2012


hello america!!! i try my best to concentrate on the facts & put my true feelings on here in regards to them. i don't make this stuff up & yet, i have to endure being called names because others don't & won't accept what i write about obama...hey good people, call me what you wish...i'm a big boy now. however, what bothers me the most is that the name calling is only coming from people of color. so be it::::let's get it on.......&, as always, i'll keep it real.

obama garnered more black & latino votes then anyone before him. you can check, but it's a fact. that said, i ask myself, why? there are several answers that come to mind & please, feel free to interrupt at any time.

here are the reasons you voted for him::::::
1.....he's a person of color with muslim & christian ties
2.....he's a very polished reader
3.....he's a very articulate speaker
4.....he's a very well developed debater
5.....he's a very charismatic person
6.....he's really not a bad looking person
7.....he's a family man
8.....he's a crowd pleaser & motivator
9.....he's an activist at heart
10...he's said all the things you needed to hear
11...he's promised you hope & change
12...he's coming from a diverse background
13...he's a good dresser
14...he's got close ties to acorn
15...he's got a good 20 year attendance record at a church he didn't know anything about
16...he's got a lot of ties to those that at one time were trying to hurt this country & still are
17...he's supposedly attended columbia & harvard
18...he's sold books
19...he's younger then sen john mc cain

here are the reasons why i didn't vote for obama::::::
1.....his record as an elected official to the state of illinios-he didn't do much there & never did anything alone
2.....his voting record in illinios---129 'present' votes
3.....his record as an activist (even at altgelt gardens)-not much to go on but what there is raises numerous
       questions about his being for america
4.....his record as an elected official to washington-mostly followed his party
5.....his voting record in washington which was mostly along party lines, when he voted
6.....his voting against banning flag desecration
7.....his record as a 'leader' anywhere in his history
8.....his ability to cross party lines---very, very few times in his political career
9.....his college records--he has them sealed
10...his record as an american to prove he can get the job done-where is it-what did he ever run
11...his past friends coming forth to praise him--you know damn well if your friend got elected, you'd be    
       telling everybody, wrting your own book & trying to figure what to wear on the tv shows
12...his past pattern of lies, distortion, deceit, deception &, divisiveness (same as is now)

so, call me what you wish, somewhere in that list of 19 is you & your vote &, i'll stand by it. yes, there may be a few more reasons we could slip in there however, the fact is, you knew more about bin laden, sarah palin, john mccain &, joe the plumber then you did obama. there is not one shred of proof in his past history you can put on the table in defense of your vote other then to say, 'knowitall, the hell with you-it's my vote to use as i want to'.

black & latino america, while you're out there thinking of what to call me next, ask yourself this, just what in the hell has obama done for you, your people or all people of this country? &, while you're pondering that, please remember that obama would rather give you food stamps & extend your unemployment benefits rather then give you a job--true facts.

america got caught up in that 'bash pres bush' hysteria & relied too heavily on the media headlines for their news. had you of done your own homework, you'd have found the same things i did & still do. obama is not good for this country & that's a fact that his rhetoric just won't wash away............

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