Sunday, May 6, 2012


hello america!!! 'forward' with 'hope' & 'change'...

'forward', well 'forward' would really be nice however, the fact is we're not going in that direction. it's been almost 4 years under obamarule & this is as far as we have gotten? 'stagnant' would depict a better & more accurate slogan in the face of our economic reality. in truth, the only thing obama is going to 'forward' is our out-of-control federal deficit to our children & those that come afterwards.

'hope', well 'hope' is something america thrives on---always had/still does/always will. however, america's 'hope' & obamas 'hope' are entirely 2 different conceptions. obamas 'hope' borders on 'socialism' where as america's 'hope' is based on less government, less taxes, more freedom, more employment, more opportunity, & personal ability, etc; the only 'hope' obama offers to those that lost their jobs & homes is that he won't be re-elected.

'change', well 'change' can be a good thing. it has to be tempered with common sense...obama knew before he was elected that we needed jobs...instead of focusing on that, he & the dem controlled congress spent all that time on obamacare & the stimulus...the only 'change' that occured is, they 'changed' from doing our agenda to doing theirs. that 'change' was (& still is) bad for america &, as you now know, it was not tempered with common sense. obama can't 'change'---he's stuck in obamaworld which is proving not to be good for this nation.

obama can 'sugar coat' reality all he wants---a broke man knows when he doesn't have any money in his pockets regardless of what all is said. promising him money for tomorrow doesn't help him today &, when tomorrow comes & he's still broke, he loses hope & the only thing you'll have changed is, he'll now have frustration & despair.

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