Friday, July 6, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....    this is what america's all about...JOBS!!! without them, we as a whole are nothing. & yes, it circles back to obama. when you strip away all the distractions, distortions, divisiveness, & name calling, it all boils down to who can put america back to work..........

obama had his chance & misused it. he spent too much time on doing the things he wanted to do & not enough time on doing the things america actually needed him to do. has he done enough to deserve four more years? NO.

his supporters say he needs more time & i ask, time for what? his first two years were spent on his stimulus & obamacare. had he devoted that time to opening up our jobs markets by being more receptive to their needs for job creation instead of piling more regulations on them, we'd be well past the recovery point.

ceo after ceo are all saying the same thing so, there has to be some truth in what they're saying. regulations, tax uncertainty, obamacare, the national debt ceiling, washington gridlock, pro union support, lack of skilled workers, less demand for products & services, non-friendly job states, fed red tape, banks not lending &, job friendly overseas country's are all factors that hinder their decisions to provide the jobs we so desperately need. if i can sit here by myself, with a single laptop, & see the problem, do you mean to tell me that in all this time, obama & his think-tank of 'super smart idiots' couldn't figure this out? didn't obama tell us that these people he was putting in his admin were 'some of the smartest people on the planet' & this is as far as we've gotten with all of their combined brain-power? & obama is offering four more years of the same? i think not!!!

on the other hand, we have gov mitt romney...will he be able to do what is needed to put america back to work? i say yes. he has that 'business sense' that obama & company lack. obama may attack his business record & his governing mass &, that is only proving that the man has 'know how'---that's the very same thing that obama doesn't have, even after four years experience. &, even though you may deny it, obama himself has said he's offering you four more years of the same. so much for hope & change!!! in truth, i do have my reservations about gov romney, such as: can he separate his religion from his politics? &, will he be consistent? what are his plans for the problems that plague our black & latino community's? so no, i am not blindly 'accepting' him but, i do think he has what is needed for us to grow as a nation.........

while many of you may focus on immigration, obamacare & same-sex marriages, the most important issue for us is jobs. a lot of you are still defending obama but you already konw when just one member of your household gets laid off, it creates a strain on the rest of your household to cover that loss. THAT IS WHERE AMERICA IS NOW AT!!! it's really simple (something obama just can't figure out)---one less american working effects the whole ball of wax...less revenue taking in by the gov't/less support for the stores & their goods & services=less productivity to our growth as a country & yet, we rely on certain services from our gov't regardless of what case you also failed 'common sense 101', let me put it this way::::::::::if our gov't can't collect enough taxes, they cannot perform certain functions & when that happens, all they can do is::::::file for bankruptcy, close their doors, print more worthless dollars or borrow more more money from china.....&, if things get really get bad enough, another country could give us a 'bailout'..........

there's those of you that argue that obama is but one man & i strongly agree...what i don't agree with is how this one man got it so wrong......

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