Friday, July 6, 2012


hello america!!! obama is on the campaign trail telling lies already. after the 80,000 jobs number came out, obama took it upon himself to add 4000 jobs to that number...whether it was a slip of the tongue or a misread of the teleprompter, it was wrong........80,000 is the number, not 84,000.

speaking of numbers, please look at these.....

look, you can like obama but, be honest with yourself about him & what he promised you. he said he was the only one that could turn our economy around (not mccain & palin) &, he offered you hope & it is 3 1/2 years later & the above article says it all. we are not growing as a nation & yet, obama just said we are heading in the right direction. if you happen to be one of those 23.4 million americans out of work or soon will be, i ask you this::::what direction is obama talking about?

come on people; obamas policy's for america have failed & the proof is in the numbers. he does not seem to have a grasp of what america is all about or how america works. summer time is the time for all of those 'good weather' jobs & most are three month long jobs---june, july & august & then it's back to school---then america rehires for thanksgiving & no, don't get your hopes up on what he says. what you should do (as i am) is try to find out how many of those 80,000 jobs went to the 'summer seasonal market' because at the end of this season, they won't have those jobs.......

what's happening all across our country is proof that obamas stimulus didn't work. are you going to just sit there & agree that the states should continually get federal bailouts to survive? they have been bailed out &, now that that money has run out, they are right back where they started from before the bailout. they never fixed their own problems---just took the money & ran while the public unionized sector continues to demand that they honor their contracts.......if they all have to do what wisconsin did, so be it. & just to be fair about this; obama & the unions (that he didn't put those soft shoes on to march with) raised all that hell because of what the dems did in wisconsin & you haven't heard a lot about the democrats (that control illinios) wanting to do the same thing...wonder why that is? in short, each state must do what they have to do to keep their public sector workers; not rely on fed bailouts.

we don't need to pile any more bills on our children or our unborn children to have to deal with. if america isn't working, we're going backwards, not 'forwards'......

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