Monday, July 23, 2012


hello america!!! i just wrote about the direction obama is taking our country & then i find the following::::::::::::::;

it doesn't even matter if you read all 3 articles, the message is the same &, it's not a good one for america. in hindsight, obama has 'wasted' all of our time & money since he took office. he's had ample opportunity to 'move' this country & in the right direction. in his first 2 years, he could have passed any laws he wanted to &, he didn't need any support from the repubs, as was proved with the passage of his stimulus & obamacare bills. in his first two years, with the dems controlling both houses, he squandered that time & now wants 4 more do what? oh, almost forgot...4 more years of the same.

america, obama stood before you in 2008, telling you he was the only one that could fix our problems. well, you see where we were & you can't help but see where we are now. he made promise after promise & he's just about broken every one of them.

instead of standing before you & admitting his failures, he continues to blame pres bush, the repubs in congress, the weather, the financial problems in europe, the tsunami &, the 'fat-cats on wall street. he hasn't met with either his own hand-picked cabinet or his hand-picked jobs council since january. in fact, he's rejected his jobs councils recommendations &, has chosen to go it alone. seemingly, he has given up on even trying to help our country & he's too busy to address the issues that we are having the most problems with. however, he is so quick to 'smear' gov romney & try to turn this campaign into a 'me against him' debate..He refuses to talk about his record for the last 3 1/2 years---that says it all. 3 1/2 years in office & all he can talk about is gov romney......HMMM!!!

he can't tout his stimulus because we are worse off now then before it became law... are still being lost from the public & private sectors
2...banks still aren't lending & those that are, are triple checking credit scores
3...people are still losing their homes
4...the fed deficit just keeps on climbing
...besides, you can't say your stimulus worked if you have to 'stimulate' again.........

he can't tout his obamacare because it is raising the costs of your healthcare; business's, doctors, & some states are opting out of it so you won't be able to keep the same doctor; it does have 21 new taxes in it &,
the sad thing is, it's not even fully implemented yet.

so, exactly what has obama done that warrants your vote for 4 more years? & no, promises don't count, especially when they're not kept.

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