Tuesday, August 25, 2020


hello america!!! if the media outlets you follow were just half-ways honest, i wouldn't be writing this to dispel the following myths they've allowed to develop...

so let's start with the one where the media (& others) label the trumpster as racist & zenophobic for his calling the virus the 'chinese wuhan virus' & he caught hell for that---however, why don't you take the time to see what the media were calling it during the same time-frame---CLICK HERE & be amazed at how gullible you've become---the only difference here is, the trumpster has admitted to what he called it while the media not only has denied their calling it the same, they're the ones responsible for calling the trumpster the above names---besides, we name viruses & flu's (etc) from where they originated---hell, i was even called a liar today for posting facts that they never even bothered to find...

far too many of you blame the trumpster for not moving quick enough &/or not doing enough to keep us all safe from the virus, however, you got that from the dems & the media & yet, none of you arm-chair quarterbacks take into account that we were lied to & deceived by china---the main doctor on the task force said---CLICK HERE---it's extremely hard for anybody to react the way you expect them to when they're given the wrong info---here's the gov of cali---HERE---&, we have the gov of ny---HERE---&, just for the fun of it---HERE---please bear in mind that many of the gov's that praised the trumpster were dems that were/ & are totally against him...

even nancy pelosi got into the act of calling the trumpster names & ordered an investigation (by only dems) of his handling of the virus, however, she blocked any investigation of the chinese connection to the virus---HMMM???

look, i'll be the first to condemn the trumpster if i think he's wrong &, as i've said before, i worry about some of his rhetoric but hey, so far, the only one's saying he's wrong are the one's that want him out of office &, as of today, they'll not stop at anything until they get their wish---meaning, everything he does solicits negative responses from them---when was the last time you saw anything good about the trumpster in the media??? HMMM???

for all of you doubters, check this out---https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/health/timeline-and-list-government-responses-coronavirus...

also, i ask you this, just what in the hell were the dems doing to offer help about the virus??? that question also includes the media...

hey, do you remember that 11 year old boy from georgia that was said to have died from the virus??? i've got news for you RIGHT HERE---now how come you didn't know that???

&, we have the death of a 6-week old child that the connecticut gov was so quick to link to the virus & yet, no determination of death has been established---HERE---this incident was brought to light by THIS LADY...

good people, i diligently do my own homework &, that's how i found this HERE...

&, i found this (feb 22 or 24) HERE---which led me to THIS...

i don't make this stuff up & nor do i lie about it---the info is out there for all to discern the truth for themselves but hey, in this modern age of technology, far too many rely on the headlines & never try to discover the TRUTH...

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