Friday, February 12, 2016


hello america!!! hillary clinton is a joke & there's nothing in her history to even suggest that she can get our country pointed in the right direction...

'trust hillary' is an oxymoron---hillary clinton cannot be trusted &, yes, her public record unequivocally supports me---she is presently under investigation by our fbi on several fronts & folks, it doesn't look good at all---she has lied to congress (while under oath) about benghazi & the murders of 4 of our own while falsely blaming it on a video & her responsibility in it;;;she has accepted praise for her role as sec of state but nobody can even name just one of her accomplishments of note;;;she failed horribly to reset her 'russian reset button' & that's come back to hurt &/or threaten us globally;;;her 'arab spring' exaltation's have come back to put the whole world on notice that she is either extremely ignorant; completely incompetent; a compulsive liar; a delusional thinker or a combination of all 4;;;she continues to blame pres bush for all of our economic problems (well, they did occur under his watch) while praising the dodd/frank act (christopher dodd/us democrat senator 1981-2011///barney frank/us democrat congressman 1981-2013 & both were very powerful washington politicians that prohibited pres bush from implementing stronger regulatory measure against fannie mae & freddie mac until it was far to late)---READ, she has done business with countries that publicly admit that their women have no rights & than talks about female equality---WOW!!! previously to her recent comments, where was her voice on our jobs problems???

people of color, please, do not allow yourselves to be duped again---as sec of state, hillary was not even talking about the your concerns, problems, conditions, racism, equal justice or anything else related to your life, however, now that she needs your votes, she's willing to address your needs---what in the hell does she know about living life as a person of color accept for the talking points & so-called statistics??? what can she (or any other democrat) do better for you that a black president couldn't &, after 7 plus years under one you should fully realize that the dems only covet your vote---yes, they will give you 'free things' such as welfare, food stamps, housing, medical care, etc but, if you took the time to see what they are actually doing to you, you'd be better off voting for the grand wizard of the kkk because you'd at least know where you stand---the dems are so willing to give you all that 'free stuff' because it allows them to control you by making you dependent on them & not yourself...

ask yourself this---if you need a valid gov't issued id card to 'legally' exist in this country, why would a political party vigorously fight against that instead of finding ways to id everybody??? look, without valid id, you can't drive, can't open a bank account, can't get a credit, can't get a job or gov't benefits, can't buy or rent a house, etc; (at least 'legally' you're not supposed to)---hell, you need valid id just to get into the whitehouse for a tour (that's a fact)---you don't have to believe me, just try getting on a plane without one...& yet, after all their reasons for fighting against mandatory id's, at the end of the day, they expect you to show up & vote for them---HMMM!!! 

please, let's keep it real---i'm a 67 year young, black american, army vet that earned what little i have by working & retiring early---while i wish i had more, i'm comfortable with, & grateful, for what i do have...i fear for those in their 30's & 40's that will probably have to work into their 70's or 80's & hope that there is a safety net for them when they do wish to retire (won't be under the dems but they'll give them welfare)...

hillary is an extension of obama & if you think we, as a people or country, are better off now than prior to obama taking office, you should vote for her because (with your 'stinkin thinkin') you deserve her & all the negatives that come with her---unfortunately, that hurts those of us that vote with our brains & not the headlines...

&, the hits to hillary's image of trust just keep on coming (even though obama & company are doing their very best to limit them) & now, there's THIS...

after 7 plus years of white house scandals, are you ready to sign up for 4 more???

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