Thursday, September 1, 2011


hello america!!! obama swore to uphold the laws of this nation & the following is not doing that:

if left to obama & his admin, they'll come up with some plan to go & import the foreigners themselves because for them to cross the oceans in those little 'boats' is dangerous; to cross the river deviding us from mexico is dangerous; for the illegal people to have to walk through the deserts is dangerous; & for them to be packed into trucks, vans &, cars is not humane. i mean, i can see him coming up with some sort of plan to send an aircraft carrier to haiti & invite all of those that want to come here to get on board. obama, you can't use the arguement that illegal aliens are pursuing the american dream because they (1) are not americans, (2) they broke the law to get here, & (3) they should be deported & then allowed to try to gain american citizenship the right way.... 

what part of 'illegal alien' does obama not understand? he's supposed to have attended harvard & columbia, he's supposed to at least appear smart, &, he's a lawyer. but, above all of that, he swore an oath to uphold the laws of the usa &, by his circumventing the laws regarding illegal aliens & their deportation is in direct violation of those laws.

congress has the power to make or unmake laws---not obama---& the supreme court has the power to strike the law down or let it ride---not obama---& what's so sad about this is, the dems favor what obama is doing.

i guess obama is saying the hell with the written law: the hell with ellis island: the hell with all of those that had to learn our language & customs: the hell with the constitution of the united states.

i just hope that congress can undo what obama is doing to this great nation because to give illegal aliens the same rights as american citizens means they will be able to collect unemployment, health coverage &, more importantly, take away jobs from americans at a time when we need them the most.

obama, you can say whatever you wish but your actions are proving you to be banned drilling in the gulf then go to brazille & promise them billions for their oil/you can't fix our econonmy & yet you & the leader of germany pledge to fix the global economy/you say you want to get a fix on the 'heartbeat of america' & then you visit the affluent communities that are still doing well/you blame everybody for your failures & lack of leadership & yet, we both know you had a bigger hand in our economy's downfall then pres bush.

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