Tuesday, September 27, 2011


hello america!!! i listened to obama yesterday & i'm left with one thought---he really doesn't give a crap about those living at or below the national poverty level. he 'harps' about congress needing to pass his 'jobs bill' but, let's be perfectly honest...if the bill is passed, most of those infrastructure jobs will go to unionized labor & the rest will be given out as favors to friends, family & political supporters. very, very few of them will be given to black or spanish company's. for that matter, i wish somebody would look up the stats on obamas last stimulus to see who got what &, i'm willing to wager that the vast majority of that stimulus money went to white people, & thus, unionized labor.

obama doesn't care about "LOWER CLASS AMERICA" & he's made that perfectly clear from day one---all of his 'bills' & all of his speeches are directed at "MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA". when have you ever heard him say that he won't raise taxes on the poverty stricken? when have you ever heard him say this bill will hurt the poverty stricken?

with all the different ethnic groups grumbling to obama about something they don't like, he treats the blacks the worst..when have you ever heard him tell the spanish to quit complaining? did you ever hear him tell the jewish people to quit complaining. did you ever hear him tell the gays & lesbians to quit complaining? for that matter, he's never used that tone with the doctors that don't want obamacare or the 'teaparty' people. but, you heard him tell that to the congressional black caucus & those people applauded him, & today, someone was on foxnews from the naacp defending his remarks. it is not a good thing when you are too ignorant to realize you've been slighted.

oh, before i forget, the majority of obamas foto ops are done in rural america & you've never heard him tell those people to quit complaining.

here's a link>>>>>

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