Friday, September 16, 2011


hello america!!! obama stated in his speech to america, in the well of the house, that entitlements programs need to be addressed. why is he now backing off from that?

we all know that we cannot continue down our past path for these programs & yet, obama & the dems refuse to deal with them. however, do not get me wrong---i don't want congress to change any of these programs that will cause more americans to suffer more then they are now. BUT, something has to be done &, it has to be done now. so, come on & take a little trip with me & let's deal with reality as it is & not how we wish it were....

the fed gov't is taking in less money due to the employment/unemployment problems we now face, & yet, they are still paying out for the entitlements programs, which have all have a 'death date' as it stands now if nothing is done. this is the main problem & now that we've identified it, we have to come up with a solution & obamas 'jobs bill' is not the answer. so, where does that leave us??????

with at least 14 million people out of work, one can only reach the following conclusion::::put americans back to work & the fed gov't will take in more money, &, if they take in more money, some of these entitlements programs can remain unchanged.

so, how do we put more americans back to work??? yeah, i know. we should not only strongly enforce the regulations we burden businesses with, we should also create more. & yes, we should raise their taxes & close their 'tax loopholes'. we should keep the rich from writing off their contributions to charity's & we should raise their taxes also. we should heavily tax those 'jet owners' & 'big boat owners' &, we should raise the gasoline tax & create a mileage tax for everybody. we should print more money to keep the teachers, cops & firemen employed &, we should start an 'infrastructure bank'. also, we should extend the unemployment benefits period, make it easier for americans to get food stamps & welfare benefits. we should continue to bail out those banks that certain politicians deem 'to big to fail' & we should give our money to those 'greening of america' company's that we refuse to know anything about. yeah, we're on a roll & while we're at it, let's sneak in another 'tax increase on tobacco related products & alcohol'. oh, & before i forget, let's just force obamacare on americans however, let's give those high-end company's & unionized company's waivers----we don't want to create a "HARDSHIP" on them. did i mention that we should sell guns to people we already know shouldn't have them---we need that extra money. & DURING ALL OF THE ABOVE, OBAMA SHOULD CONTINUE TO HAVE THOSE DINNERS AT $35,000 PER COUPLE.

none of the above will create jobs or put america back to work & that's the bottom line. with unemployment at 9.1% &/or 14 million people out of work, we can do a lot better then obamas 'jobs bill' & i can only hope the repubs don't cave in to it.

america, don't be fooled by obama...if he really wanted america to get back to work he would have lifted all the red-tape that is keeping us from drilling for our own oil:::that alone could put a million people (country wide) to work & help us with our foreign dependency on oil. he would rescind the regulatory measures that are hampering businesses &, he would offer them bigger & better reasons for hiring: he would increase tax breaks for businesses & he'd continue the pres bush tax cuts for another 2 years. he would 'shrink' the fed gov't overnight regardless of whose toes he stepped on &, more importantly, he would be honest with america about his role in our economic downfall.

the bottom line about obamas bill is, he cares about the unions & says the hell with the rest of us &, if you don't believe me, ask yourself this----who stands to benefit if this 'jobs bill' is passed???

obama & his admin are a bunch of liars & i will not use another word to describe them. they say the very recent special elections have no reflection on obama & yet, obama once told us he didn't follow the 'polls' & yet he hired a team to do just that.

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