Saturday, May 19, 2012


hello america!!! perhaps we can now fully focus on the real issues facing this great nation, i.e;
1.....the economy
2.....the jobs market---creating jobs
3.....the national deficit---pay it off & stop raising the debt limit
4.....the immigration overhaul---make it fair for everyone
5.....the entitlements programs overhaul---social security, medicare, medicaid &, public assistance
6.....the housing market---keep people in their homes
7.....the banking industry---allow banks to loans more
8.....the irs overhaul---scarp it & start all over
9.....the gender-equality issues---male/female/& others
10...the mighty military/dod---has to be the best, has to have the best
11...the energy issues---drill more & safer & explore other alternatives
12...the foreign policy issue---do we even have one other then apologizing & bowing
13...the high costs of school tuition's & student loans---lower the costs & reform the loan
14...the education issues---setting & enforcing the standards
15...the retirement packages for retiring public workers---they have to pay what the private citizen pays
16...the unionized labor vs private employees debacle---gov't can't support one over the other
17...the rights of the individual states---to identify & fix their own problems
18...the size of federal gov't---streamline it
19...the federal gov't spending---reduce it
20...the veterans---upgrade their benefits
21...the violence, drugs, gangs, & crimes issues (especially in our schools)---stronger laws/zero
22...the abortions issues---only females should have the choice
23...the separation of religion & gov't---redefine the policy
24...the obamacare debacle---have to wait on the supreme courts decicion
25...the valid id card issues---require everybody to have one
26...the united states policy---what it is
27...the environmental issues---taking better care of mother earth, her forests &, her animals
28...the media---regulate them to report the news truthfully, without a personal slant or omissions
29...the voting issues---everyone should have to prove they are who they say they are/no exceptions
30...the gridlock in congress---make it easier to recall those that don't do the will of the people
31...the federal gov't intrusion---keep them out of my life unless absolutely necessary
32...the natural disaster issues---provide for as many as is possible
33...the race issues---treat each race fairly/no exceptions
34...the nasa issues---restore it to lead the world

america, i may have left some out & you may some that are not listed but, i think i covered the main ones.

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