Monday, July 11, 2011


hello america!!! if i'm not mistaken, didn't obama sign a bill that was supposed to make 'higher education' more affordable to our citizens? well, obama bailed the 'education system' out & you see the results in just about every county in this country---it didn't work then & it isn't working now. so, obama gives the states & education system money to 'save &/or create' jobs & they in turn raise their tuitions----what a lovely system we have here.

good people, can you tell me why we need to 'bail out' colleges? most of them have 'programs' that enable them to make millions of dollars using their students without having to 'pay' them. look at what they make from football, basketball &, baseball alone....i don't have all the figures but, when you factor in tuition fees, lodging, books &, meals , etc-------i can't understand why they need federal dollars at our expense. some colleges are at the very top when it comes to making money in sports &, just to name a few::::take
ohio state football, michigan state football, notra dame football---it's a big 'money making' business. just look at the packed stadiums during the 'big' games & the sponsors of them &, we glue ourselves to the tv when then play. the games are scheduled for 'prime time' tv & they make money for the colleges that don't pay the students for their physical talents & then bitch when the  boosters' give them a free dinner. you don't have to take my word on it----but, the next time you schedule your activities around 'march madness' remember what i said. on the other hand, you have colleges that don't have 'big' sports events but, they do just fine. maybe i'm crazy but, did you ever hear of a college filing for bankruptcy?

america, if you care to look at this rare tidbit, you'll find that 'higher learning' is expensive just to get in & then, you have all the other costs:::::

obama, this is why we shouldn't bailout teachers or the system

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