Wednesday, July 20, 2011


hello america!!! let's be real. when your credit cards are maxed out, bill collectors knocking on your door, your kids are wearing $85 sneakers, your daughters get pampered at the salons every weekend, your son has that fairly new car with that $800 music system, you & your wife have those dinner & bbq party's every nice weekend, your job gave you a break by cutting your hours instead of cutting you-----you just might find that you are spending more then you take home.......i'm very sorry if this is really you but, just do as obama suggests & go to the bank & get your credit limit raised. simple! problem solved & i don't get paid the big bucks.....oh, did i forget to mention your light bills, phone bills, insurance policy's, car payments, rent or mortgage payments, clothing & food costs, gas &/or electric bills &, state & city taxes for your house???? yep, just go to your bank & tell them obama sent you.....& i just know they're going to raise your debt limit because to default would be the very end of the world. what a bunch of crap!!!!!!!

i think we all know what the banks would tell us::::& that's what all of congress should tell obama. he's had more then enough time to put his ducks in order but, instead of doing that, he'd rather run around the country blaming pres bush. so what if pres bush had two wars that were not funded---congress voted for us to go into iraq & they are responsible for the funding (i have no clue as to what to say about afghanistan). congress passed obamacare &, if they somehow come up with a way to block funding it, the next president can blame obama------how petty can you get?

america, we have to address entittlement spending because there is a lot of fraud & wasteful spending in the public welfare system alone. i know of a lady with 3 children, a grandchild & her mother living in a 4 bedroom apartment & she gets all sorts of benefits & refuses to work a full time job because she'll lose some of her benefits:::::she is fully able to work fulltime...for that matter, i know quite a few people like her. as long as our government will give, they will always get &, they are not worried about the future or putting their kids through college. she's not concerned with that american dream---she's too busy living food stamp day to food stamp day. somehow, our federal government has to step in & force her to do for herself---not continue to feed her dependency on their support. so, if i know of some people taking advantage of the system, i know you know of others & when you add them all together, it costs us a lot to support them. so far, none have them have broken the "law" like getting an under-the-table job but, they have become so dependent on the hand-outs.

obama promised change & to get rid of the programs that don't work & strengthen the ones that do----so far, he's done neither. had he of kept his promises, we'd be in a much better shape entittlement wise. our entittlement program all need to be overhauled & i know this is something the dems are dead set against. obama talks about being for it but his actions, or lack thereof, prove differently. he could have & should have done something long before now---he had plenty of opportunity but, as usual, he didn't do his job.

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