Tuesday, June 25, 2013


hello america!!! this should prove to you exactly what obama & company are all about...http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-usa-court-voting-congressbre95o0x9-20130625,0,158606.story

it just seems that when you strip 'power' from obama & company, they waste no time in letting you know how they feel. had they responded to all of their present day scandals 1/2 as fast as they responded to the supreme court ruling, we wouldn't be having all of these hearings.

i cannot find a bone in my body that agrees that their interests lie with the black vote. this is all about states determining their own voting laws without being hampered by the feds. but hey, it makes them look like they actually care about people of color & that's only good for talking points & distractions.

obama & company's reaction goes hand-in-hand with their suing states from enforcing gov't id laws. in both cases, they should be asking the states,'what can the feds do to ensure that every qualified person can vote & obtain a gov't id card?'............however, that would be the smart thing to do &, heaven help us, that's just not keeping in line with the obama admin's thinking. they'd rather swell their chests up & get to threatening actions while denigrating whatever decisions are handed down against their 'power'.

we have become a nation of idle threats---just ask north korea, syria or, iran. oh sorry, we can now add china & russia to that list.

in simplicity, the supreme court struck down an out-dated law that was based on the numbers of yester-year. it's 2013 & the numbers have changed & the states should have the absolute power to put laws on the books that reflect the newer math. what obama & company haven't grasped is: if the states do put laws on the books that hinder one race from voting then, the feds can challenge it & take it back to the supreme court.

obama & company, stop your crying, strap up your boots &, get to marching in step with the supreme court.

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